Action Group

ThoughtAsylum - Writing

Posted by sylumer, Last update over 2 years ago


over 2 years ago

  • Removed superfluous trailing space on several date/time actions.
  • Corrected several typos.
show all updates...

over 2 years ago

  • Removed superfluous trailing space on several date/time actions.
  • Corrected several typos.

about 3 years ago

Mainly bug fixes (and documentation fixes) for the the code library (TADpoLe) that underpins all of the action groups in the ThoughtAsylum Action Group Suite.

See for further details on the updates.

about 3 years ago

Addition of actions for:
- A new date/time format insertion
- Smart indent/outdent
- Insertion of hash tags based on Drafts tags.
- Some additional HTML insertion actions

over 3 years ago

New date function inserting with Roman numeral as month.
Update keywords.

over 3 years ago

Fix for an action name.

over 3 years ago

  • Quick Draft prompt - pop-up for creating new drafts with options to flag and tag.
  • Several additional date insert actions.
  • Support for auto TADpoLe update.


Welcome to the ThoughtAsylum - Writing Action Group. It may well be a little different to other action groups that you may have used, so please do read these instructions.

Quick Start: MUST DO!

First of all, before you use any this action group, you must ensure that you have downloaded the core ThoughtAsylum Action Group. This action group contains several pre-requisite actions to make full use of this action group.

About This Action Group

The writing action group contains actions that are designed to help you with writing content in Drafts. They allow you to insert, modify and remove content in a wide variety of ways. This action group should be useful to everyone who uses Drafts.

Action Groups in the ThoughtAsylum Action Group Suite

The following action groups are available in the ThoughtAsylum Action Group Suite (TAAGS):

  • ThoughtAsylum: Core action group required by the other group; essential for all Drafts users using these action groups.
  • ThoughtAsylum - Writing: Actions to help you create content; useful for all Drafts users.
  • ThoughtAsylum - Management: Actions to help you manage your drafts; useful for all Drafts users.
  • ThoughtAsylum - Export/Import/Share: Actions to help you share and import content; useful for all Drafts users.
  • ThoughtAsylum - Trove: Actions to help you work with and control the Drafts app; useful for all Drafts users.
  • ThoughtAsylum - Tasks & Lists: Actions to help you manage your tasks and checklists in Drafts; useful for all Drafts users.
  • ThoughtAsylum - Power User: For advanced users wanting to script and extend Drafts’ capabilities.


The following keywords are used to help Drafts users, like you, find this action group in the action directory as the action names for groups are not included in the search.

Alphabetic, Append, Bear, Blank, Bold, Bullet, Camel, Capital, Capitalise, Capitalize, Character, Checkbox, Checkboxes, Clipboard, Copy, Create, Cursor, Cut, Date, Datestamp, Deduplicate, Definition, Delete, Delimit, Diagram, Dictionary, Discourse, Duplicate, Editing, End, Example, Expand, Extend, Flowchart, Font, Font Awesome, Format, Heading, Highlight, HTML, Info, Information, Insert, Italic, Jump, Kebab, Lat/Lon, Latitude, Leading, Left, Line, Link, List, Location, Longitude, Lower, Markdown, Marked, Marked2, Marker, MediaWiki, Mermaid, Modified, Move, MultiMarkdown, Navigation, New, Next, Number, Numeric, Paragraph, Paste, Plain, Populate, Prefix, Prepend, Preview, Previous, Prime, Quick, Random, Redo, Reduce, Remove, Reverse, Right, Roman Numeral, Screaming, Select, Selection, Sentence, Shrink, Signature, Simple, Snake, Sort, Split, Start, Strikethrough, Suffix, Synonym, Syntax, Tag, Tags, Text, Thesaurus, Time, Timestamp, Title, Today, Trailing, Trash, Trim, Undo, Upper, URL, UUID, Variable, Version, Week, Whitespace, Wiki, Word, Workspace, Wrap, Yesterday

Legal Stuff & Coffee

This action group and the library are of course entirely free for you to use, though full details of licensing, including the licensing for some referenced code libraries and code are available on the TADpoLe Library site.

However, some people do like to give back, and so if you do find this action group and the TADpoLe library useful, you can donate to my coffee fund. I enjoy working when I can from coffee shops where I live (York, UK), and many of my best ideas and results have likely been fuelled by caffeine.

Donate a coffee
Donate a coffee

Included Actions

  • Instructions
  • TAD-Instructions (Writing)
  • Whitespace Removal
  • TAD-Remove Blank Lines
  • TAD-Remove Empty Lines
  • TAD-Remove Leading Whitespace
  • TAD-Remove Trailing Whitespace
  • TAD-Remove Leading & Trailing Whitespace
  • TAD-Remove Leading Spaces & Tabs
  • TAD-Remove Trailing Spaces & Tabs
  • TAD-Remove Leading & Trailing Spaces & Tabs
  • TAD-Convert Sentence End 2-2-1 Spaces
  • TAD-Compress Spaces and Lines
  • Sort & Permute Lines
  • TAD-Sort All - Alphabetic
  • TAD-Sort All - Reverse Alphabetic
  • TAD-Sort Selected Lines - Alphabetic
  • TAD-Sort Selected Lines - Reverse Alphabetic
  • TAD-Sort All - Numeric
  • TAD-Sort All - Reverse Numeric
  • TAD-Sort Selected Lines - Numeric
  • TAD-Sort Selected Lines - Reverse Numeric
  • TAD-Sort All - Random
  • TAD-Sort Selected Lines - Random
  • TAD-Deduplicate All (Lines)
  • Delete
  • TAD-Delete Next Char
  • TAD-Delete Current Line
  • TAD-Delete Previous Line
  • TAD-Delete Next Line
  • TAD-Delete Last Line of Selection
  • TAD-Delete First Line of Selection
  • Select
  • TAD-Extend Selection Left
  • TAD-Reduce Selection Left
  • TAD-Extend Selection Right
  • TAD-Reduce Selection Right
  • TAD-Select Word
  • TAD-Select Current Line
  • TAD-Select Previous Line
  • TAD-Select Next Line
  • TAD-Select First Line of Selection
  • TAD-Select Last Line of Selection
  • TAD-Select Paragraph
  • TAD-Select All Content
  • Move Cursor
  • TAD-Move Cursor Left
  • TAD-Move Cursor Right
  • TAD-Jump to Start of Line
  • TAD-Jump to End of Line
  • TAD-Jump to End of Previous Line
  • TAD-Jump to Start of Next Line
  • TAD-Jump to Start of Next Sentence
  • TAD-Jump to Start of Current Sentence
  • TAD-Jump to Start of Previous Sentence
  • TAD-Jump to Paragraph Start
  • TAD-Jump to Paragraph End
  • TAD-Jump to Start of Draft
  • TAD-Jump to End of Draft
  • Insert Content: General
  • TAD-Insert Tab
  • TAD-Tab
  • TAD-UnTab
  • TAD-Indent
  • TAD-Outdent
  • TAD-Insert Clipboard
  • TAD-Insert Middle Dot
  • TAD-Insert Tags
  • TAD-Insert Tags as Hash Tags
  • TAD-Append Tags as Hash Tags
  • TAD-Insert Draft UUID
  • TAD-Insert Draft Link
  • TAD-Insert Current Latitude & Longitude
  • TAD-Insert Draft Creation Latitude & Longitude
  • TAD-Insert Draft Modified Latitude & Longitude
  • TAD-Insert Drafts Version
  • TAD-Insert Drafts & System Info
  • TAD-Insert Drafts & System Info MD
  • TAD-Insert Recent Draft Info
  • TAD-Insert New UUID
  • Insert Content: Current Date/Time
  • TAD-Insert
  • TAD-Insert yyyy-mm-dd
  • TAD-Insert
  • TAD-Insert HH.MM
  • TAD-Insert yyyymmddHHMMss
  • TAD-Insert yyyymmdd
  • TAD-Insert HHMMss
  • TAD-Insert HHMM
  • TAD-Insert Week Number
  • TAD-Insert DDDD dd/mm/yyyy
  • TAD-Insert DDD dd/mm/yyyy
  • TAD-Insert DDDD mm/dd/yyyy
  • TAD-Insert DDD mm/dd/yyyy
  • TAD-Insert dd/mm/yyyy
  • TAD-Insert
  • TAD-Insert dd-mm-yyyy
  • TAD-Insert mm/dd/yyyy
  • TAD-Insert mm.dd.yyyy
  • TAD-Insert mm-dd-yyyy
  • TAD-Insert dd/{mm}/yyyy
  • TAD-Insert dd/{mm}/yy
  • Duplicate
  • TAD-Duplicate Draft and Load
  • TAD-Duplicate Draft in Background
  • TAD-Duplicate Line
  • TAD-Repeat Duplicate Line
  • Markdown
  • TAD-MD-Script Block
  • TAD-MD-Link Selected URL
  • TAD-MD-Link Clipboard URL
  • TAD-MD-Link Unlinked
  • TAD-MD-Wrap Paragraph Italic
  • TAD-MD-Wrap Lines Bold
  • TAD-MD-Wrap Lines Italic
  • TAD-MD-Wrap Lines Rule
  • TAD-MD-Wrap Lines Code
  • TAD-MD-Wrap Paragraph Code
  • TAD-MD-Delimit Lines Bold
  • TAD-MD-Delimit Lines Italic
  • TAD-MD-Prefix Lines Quote
  • TAD-MD-Lines to Bullet List (*)
  • TAD-MD-Lines to Bullet List (-)
  • TAD-MD-Lines to Numbered List
  • TAD-MD-Simple Renumber Selected Lines
  • TAD-MD-Heading Cycle
  • TAD-MD-Heading 0
  • TAD-MD-Heading 1
  • TAD-MD-Heading 2
  • TAD-MD-Heading 3
  • TAD-MD-Heading 4
  • TAD-MD-Heading 5
  • TAD-MD-Heading 6
  • Drafts Markup
  • TAD-Drafts-Lines Check Boxes
  • TAD-Drafts-Lines Bulleted Check Boxes
  • TAD-Drafts-Bulleted Check Boxes
  • HTML
  • TAD-HTML-Wrap Line Pre Tags
  • TAD-HTML-Wrap Paragraph Pre Tags
  • TAD-HTML-Wrap Line Paragraph Tags
  • TAD-HTML-Wrap Paragraph Pre Tags
  • TAD-HTML-Wrap Line Division Tags
  • TAD-HTML-Wrap Paragraph Division Tags
  • TAD-HTML (Bold)
  • TAD-HTML (Strong)
  • TAD-HTML (Italic)
  • TAD-HTML (Emphasis)
  • TAD-HTML (Citation)
  • TAD-HTML (Strikethrough)
  • TAD-HTML (Paragraph)
  • TAD-HTML (Division)
  • TAD-HTML (Span)
  • TAD-HTML (Abbreviation)
  • TAD-HTML (Code)
  • TAD-HTML (Preformatted)
  • TAD-HTML (Data)
  • TAD-HTML (Variable)
  • TAD-HTML (Definition)
  • TAD-HTML (Quotation - Inline)
  • TAD-HTML (Quotation - Block)
  • TAD-HTML (Keyboard)
  • TAD-HTML (Mark)
  • TAD-HTML (Sample)
  • TAD-HTML (Small)
  • TAD-HTML (Subscript)
  • TAD-HTML (Superscript)
  • TAD-HTML (Line Break)
  • TAD-HTML (Word Break)
  • TAD-HTML (Horizontal Rule)
  • Discourse
  • TAD-Discourse Draft
  • TAD-Discourse-Hide Details
  • TAD-Trash Active Discourse Drafts
  • TAD-Archive Active Discourse Drafts
  • Create Drafts
  • TAD-New Draft from Selection
  • TAD-Load New Draft from Selection
  • TAD-New Draft from Clipboard
  • TAD-Load New Draft from Clipboard
  • TAD-Split Draft Load Part 1
  • TAD-Split Draft Load Part 2
  • TAD-Split Lines to New Drafts
  • TAD-Split Lines to New Drafts With Specified Tag Example
  • TAD-Split Lines to New Drafts With Specified Tag
  • TAD-Split Lines to New Drafts With Entered Tag
  • TAD-Split Lines to New Drafts With Current Tags
  • TAD-Quick Draft
  • Edit
  • TAD-Undo
  • TAD-Redo
  • TAD-Load Most Changed Draft
  • Previewing
  • TAD-Prime Preview MMD
  • TAD-Prime Preview GFM
  • TAD-Preview with Syntax Highlighting
  • TAD-Exploded Markdown Preview
  • TAD-Preview with Marked2
  • TAD-Preview Clipboard
  • TAD-Preview Selection
  • Editor Insertions
  • TAD-Prepend Text in Editor
  • TAD-Append Text in Editor
  • TAD-Prepend Line in Editor
  • TAD-Append Line in Editor
  • TAD-Prepend to Section
  • TAD-Append to Section
  • Text Modifiers
  • TAD-Prefix Text
  • TAD-Suffix Text
  • TAD-Camel Case Selection
  • TAD-Kebab Case Selection
  • TAD-Train Case Selection
  • TAD-Snake Case Selection
  • TAD-Screaming Snake Case Selection
  • TAD-Upper Case Selection
  • TAD-Lower Case Selection
  • TAD-Sentence Case Selection
  • TAD-Title Case Selection
  • TAD-Capitalise Selection Words
  • TextExpander
  • TAD-Draft to TextExpander Snippet
  • TAD-Update TextExpander
  • Word Actions
  • TAD-Get Definition
  • TAD-Replace with Synonym
  • Matched Line Removals
  • TAD-Remove Lines Starting
  • TAD-Remove Lines Not Starting
  • TAD-Remove Lines Ending
  • TAD-Remove Lines Not Ending
  • TAD-Remove Lines Containing
  • TAD-Remove Lines Not Containing
  • MediaWiki Syntax
  • TAD-MediaWiki Selection Title 1
  • TAD-MediaWiki Selection Title 2
  • TAD-MediaWiki Selection Title 3
  • TAD-MediaWiki Selection Title 4
  • TAD-MediaWiki Selection Title 5
  • TAD-MediaWiki Selection Title 6
  • TAD-MediaWiki Selection Italic
  • TAD-MediaWiki Selection Bold
  • TAD-MediaWiki Selection Internal Link
  • TAD-MediaWiki Selection Piped Link
  • TAD-MediaWiki Insert Signature
  • TAD-MediaWiki Insert Timestamped Signature
  • TAD-MediaWiki Insert Timestamp
  • TAD-MediaWiki Selection Title
  • TAD-MediaWiki Insert Horizontal Rule
  • Comma Separated Lists
  • TAD-CSV Items to MD Bold
  • TAD-CSV Items to MD Italic
  • TAD-CSV Items to MD Code
  • TAD-CSV Items to Double Quotes
  • Format Markdown List Headers
  • TAD-Format MD List Headers
  • TAD-Format MD Numbered List Bold Heading Into Colon
  • TAD-Format MD Numbered List Italic Heading Into Colon
  • TAD-Format MD Numbered List Bold Heading Up To Hyphen
  • TAD-Format MD Numbered List Italic Heading Up To Hyphen
  • TAD-Format MD Numbered List Code Heading Up To Hyphen
  • TAD-Format MD Bulleted List Bold Heading Into Colon
  • TAD-Format MD Bulleted List Italic Heading Into Colon
  • TAD-Format MD Bulleted List Bold Heading Up To Hyphen
  • TAD-Format MD Bulleted List Italic Heading Up To Hyphen
  • TAD-Format MD Bulleted List Code Heading Up To Hyphen
  • Quotation Marks
  • TAD-Convert Selection - Quotes Dumb to Smart
  • TAD-Convert Selection - Quotes Smart to Dumb
  • TAD-Convert Selection - Quotes Guillemets to Dumb Quotes
  • TAD-Convert Selection - Quotes Guillemets to Smart Quotes
  • TAD-Convert Selection - Quotes Dumb Quotes to Guillemets
  • TAD-Convert Selection - Quotes Smart Quotes to Guillemets
  • TAD-Convert Selection - Quotes Swiss to Dumb Quotes
  • TAD-Convert Selection - Quotes Swiss to Smart Quotes
  • TAD-Convert Selection - Quotes Dumb Quotes to Swiss
  • TAD-Convert Selection - Quotes Smart Quotes to Swiss
  • TAD-Convert Selection - Quotes Inverted Guillemets to Dumb Quotes
  • TAD-Convert Selection - Quotes Inverted Guillemets to Smart Quotes
  • TAD-Convert Selection - Quotes Dumb Quotes to Inverted Guillemets
  • TAD-Convert Selection - Quotes Smart Quotes to Inverted Guillemets
  • TAD-Convert Selection - Quotes High to Dumb Quotes
  • TAD-Convert Selection - Quotes High to Smart Quotes
  • TAD-Convert Selection - Quotes Dumb Quotes to High
  • TAD-Convert Selection - Quotes Smart Quotes to High
  • Move Content
  • TAD-Move Line Selection Up
  • TAD-Move Line Selection Down
  • TAD-Move Line Selection to Start
  • TAD-Move Line Selection to End
  • Boxes
  • TAD-Box Selected Lines (Single)
  • TAD-Box Selected Lines (Double)
Items available in the Drafts Directory are uploaded by community members. Use appropriate caution reviewing downloaded items before use.