Action Group

ThoughtAsylum - Power User

Posted by sylumer, Last update over 2 years ago


over 2 years ago

  • Typo correction
show all updates...

over 2 years ago

  • Typo correction

about 3 years ago

Missed update from 31 May 2021

about 3 years ago

Mainly bug fixes (and documentation fixes) for the the code library (TADpoLe) that underpins all of the action groups in the ThoughtAsylum Action Group Suite.

See for further details on the updates.

about 3 years ago

Addition of Drafts syntax file (to JSON) toggle action

over 3 years ago

Update reference for TADpoLe to pick up a fix for Bear functionality.

over 3 years ago

  • Minor update to facilitate auto TADpoLe update.


Welcome to the ThoughtAsylum - Power User Action Group. It may well be a little different to other action groups that you may have used, so please do read these instructions.

Quick Start: MUST DO!

First of all, before you use any this action group, you must ensure that you have downloaded the core ThoughtAsylum Action Group. This action group contains several pre-requisite actions to make full use of this action group.

About This Action Group

The power user action group contains actions that are designed to help you achieve much more with drafts, particularly in regards to creating new actions and expanding the app’s capabilities. This action group should be useful to more advanced users of Drafts, particularly those interested in scripting actions and expanding Draft’s standard capabilities.

Action Groups in the ThoughtAsylum Action Group Suite

The following action groups are available in the ThoughtAsylum Action Group Suite (TAAGS):

  • ThoughtAsylum: Core action group required by the other group; essential for all Drafts users using these action groups.
  • ThoughtAsylum - Writing: Actions to help you create content; useful for all Drafts users.
  • ThoughtAsylum - Management: Actions to help you manage your drafts; useful for all Drafts users.
  • ThoughtAsylum - Export/Import/Share: Actions to help you share and import content; useful for all Drafts users.
  • ThoughtAsylum - Trove: Actions to help you work with and control the Drafts app; useful for all Drafts users.
  • ThoughtAsylum - Tasks & Lists: Actions to help you manage your tasks and checklists in Drafts; useful for all Drafts users.
  • ThoughtAsylum - Power User: For advanced users wanting to script and extend Drafts’ capabilities.


The following keywords are used to help Drafts users, like you, find this action group in the action directory as the action names for groups are not included in the search.

Action, AES, Alphabetic, Analyse, Array, Base64, Bear, Beautify, Clipboard, Coding, Comma Separated, Count, Counter, Crypto, Cryptographic, CSV, Decode, Decrypt, Deduplicate, Duplicate, Editing, Encode, Encrypt, Error, Example, Expand, External, File, Filename, Filepath, Fix, Group, Import, Info, Information, Insert, JavaScript, Key, Keys, Line, Lines, List, Load, Log, Logging, Meta, Mistype, Menu, Mode, New, Path, Persistent, Populate, Reduce, Remove, Report, Reverse, ROT13, Scripting, Select, Selection, Sentence, Share, Shortcut, Sort, Start, Syntax, Tag, Tags, UUID, Variable, Version, Warning, Workspace

Legal Stuff & Coffee

This action group and the library are of course entirely free for you to use, though full details of licensing, including the licensing for some referenced code libraries and code are available on the TADpoLe Library site.

However, some people do like to give back, and so if you do find this action group and the TADpoLe library useful, you can donate to my coffee fund. I enjoy working when I can from coffee shops where I live (York, UK), and many of my best ideas and results have likely been fuelled by caffeine.

Donate a coffee
Donate a coffee

Included Actions

  • Instructions
  • TAD-Instructions (Power User)
  • Scripting
  • TAD-Make Draft Executable
  • TAD-Load Executable Draft
  • TAD-Execute Draft
  • TAD-Execute Test Function
  • TAD-Execute Current Draft
  • TAD-Execute Current Selection
  • TAD-Execute Current Lines
  • TAD-Beautify JavaScript
  • TAD-Format JSON Draft
  • TAD-Scripting Docs
  • TAD-TADpoLe Docs
  • TAD-Fix Discourse JavaScript on Clipboard
  • Information
  • TAD-Display Drafts Counts
  • TAD-Selection Character Count
  • TAD-Selection Word Count
  • TAD-Selection Line Count
  • TAD-Selection Count Information
  • TAD-Display Drafts and System Information
  • TAD-Show Draft Info
  • TAD-Info Menu
  • TAD-Export Action Shortcut Keys
  • TAD-Check Quota
  • TAD-Display Device UUID for Bear
  • TAD-Copy Device UUID for Bear
  • Slash Command
  • TAD-Slash Command Prompt
  • TAD-Slash Command In-Situ
  • Persistent Variable Examples
  • TAD-Display Counter
  • TAD-Zero Counter
  • TAD-Set Counter
  • TAD-Increment Counter
  • TAD-Decrement Counter
  • TAD-Display Text Variable
  • TAD-Clear Text Variable
  • TAD-Set Text Variable
  • TAD-Prefix Text Variable
  • TAD-Suffix Text Variable
  • Action Groups
  • TAD-Select and Display Action Group Actions
  • TAD-Select and Display Action Group Separators
  • TAD-Copy Action Group Actions
  • TAD-Copy Action Group Separators
  • TAD-Select and Display Sorted Action Group Actions
  • TAD-Select and Display Sorted Action Group Separators
  • TAD-Copy Sorted Action Group Actions
  • TAD-Copy Sorted Action Group Separators
  • TAD-Copy Action Group Items (Markdown)
  • Action Groups - From Install URL
  • TAD-Display Action Group Actions
  • TAD-Display Action Group Separators
  • TAD-Display Action Group Item Names
  • TAD-Display Action Group Info
  • TAD-Auto Document Action Group
  • Sample Content
  • TAD-Create Plain Text Example Draft
  • TAD-Create Simple List Example Draft
  • TAD-Create Taskpaper Example Draft
  • TAD-Create Markdown Example Draft
  • TAD-Create MultiMarkdown Example Draft
  • TAD-Create Github Markdown Example Draft
  • TAD-Create JavaScript Example Draft
  • URL Encoding/Decoding
  • TAD-URL Encode Selection
  • TAD-URL Decode Selection
  • TAD-URL Encode Selection to Clipboard
  • TAD-URL Decode Selection to Clipboard
  • TAD-URL Encode Clipboard
  • TAD-URL Decode Clipboard
  • TAD-Insert URL Encoded Clipboard
  • TAD-Insert URL Decoded Clipboard
  • TAD-URL Encode Draft to Clipboard
  • TAD-URL Encode Draft Body to Clipboard
  • TAD-URL Encode Draft Title to Clipboard
  • TAD-URL Encode Draft Link to Clipboard
  • Advanced Logging
  • TAD-Generate Fake Log
  • TAD-Preview Full Log
  • TAD-Preview Simple Log
  • TAD-Log to Draft
  • TAD-Log to Draft Include INFO Entries
  • TAD-Log to Draft Exclude INFO Entries
  • TAD-Clear Log
  • TAD-Display First Log Entry
  • TAD-Display Last Log Entry
  • TAD-Display First Info Log Entry
  • TAD-Display Last Info Log Entry
  • TAD-Display First Warning Log Entry
  • TAD-Display Last Warning Log Entry
  • TAD-Display First Error Log Entry
  • TAD-Display Last Error Log Entry
  • Meta Based File Management
  • TAD-Set Meta File Path
  • TAD-Export to Meta File Path
  • TAD-Import From Meta File Path
  • Corrupt Content
  • TAD-Mistype Slip
  • TAD-Mistype Transpose
  • TAD-Mistype Slip & Transpose
  • TAD-ROT13 Encode Selection to Clipboard
  • TAD-ROT13 Encode Draft to Clipboard
  • TAD-ROT13 Encode Clipboard and Insert
  • TAD-ROT13 Encode Clipboard
  • TAD-ROT13 Encode Selection
  • TAD-ROT13 Encode Draft to New Draft
  • TAD-ROT13 Encode Draft
  • TAD-Obfuscate Draft
  • TAD-Deobfuscate Draft
  • AES
  • TAD-AES Encrypt Selection
  • TAD-AES Decrypt Selection
  • TAD-AES Encrypt Selection to Clipboard
  • TAD-AES Decrypt Selection to Clipboard
  • TAD-AES Encrypt Draft
  • TAD-AES Decrypt Draft
  • TAD-AES Encrypt Draft to New Draft
  • TAD-AES Decrypt Draft to New Draft
  • TAD-AES Encrypt Draft to Clipboard
  • TAD-AES Decrypt Draft to Clipboard
  • TAD-AES Encrypt Clipboard
  • TAD-AES Decrypt Clipboard
  • TAD-Insert AES Encrypted Clipboard
  • TAD-Insert AES Decrypted Clipboard
  • Key Generation
  • TAD-128-bit Key to Clipboard
  • TAD-192-bit Key to Clipboard
  • TAD-256-bit Key to Clipboard
  • TAD-Insert 128-bit Key
  • TAD-Insert 192-bit Key
  • TAD-Insert 256-bit Key
  • Base64 Encoding Decoding
  • TAD-Display Base64 Encode Selection
  • TAD-Display Base64 Decode Selection
  • TAD-Copy Base64 Encode Selection
  • TAD-Copy Base64 Decode Selection
  • TAD-Replace Base64 Encode Selection
  • TAD-Replace Base64 Decode Selection
  • TAD-Clipboard Base64 Encode
  • TAD-Clipboard Base64 Decode
  • TAD-Clipboard Base64 Encode Insert
  • TAD-Clipboard Base64 Decode Insert
  • TAD-Display Base64 Encode Draft
  • TAD-Display Base64 Decode Draft
  • TAD-Copy Base64 Encode Draft
  • TAD-Copy Base64 Decode Draft
  • TAD-Replace Base64 Encode Draft
  • TAD-Replace Base64 Decode Draft
  • TAD-New Base64 Encode Draft
  • TAD-New Base64 Decode Draft
  • Syntaxes
  • TAD-Toggle Drafts Syntax File
Items available in the Drafts Directory are uploaded by community members. Use appropriate caution reviewing downloaded items before use.