Process Template
almost 3 years ago
v1.1 - Made it possible to select a valid template while the active draft is not a valid template.
The list of tags required for the validation process can be changed editing the script, more detailed instructions can be found in the description of the action
Process Template
Quick Information
- Latest Version: v1.1
- Latest Update: 25-october-2021
- Author: Zrapata
- Description: This action makes it possible to create multiple drafts from a template file
- Action List URL: Here
Relatad Actions
On development
- Template Creator
What the action does
An action that allows you to create any amount of drafts from a custom template file.
New Draft: @flagged @tags(«ProyectName») {
Just a normal markdown template [[date]]
New Draft - Reference: @flagged @archived
This template will ask you to give a value to the variable ProyectName
and will create two drafts.
One named New Draft
, flagged in the inbox, with a tag with the name of the variable with a predefined content.
And another named New Draft - Reference
, flagged and archived
This action uses a kind of taskpaper input, what it basically means is that you create a Draft
by adding some text followed by a semi column :
New Draft:
This line will create a new Draft with a name “New Draft” with no content and no tags
You can also specify some Flags to modify the draft
Draft with Flags: @flagged
Or you can specify the Content of the draft
Draft with content: {
The content of the draft
You can specify the content of each draft by placing the content inside braces at the end of the line
The content of the draft passes through the drafts templating system so any valid template will apply
Draft with template: {
The date of creation is [[date]]
A flag is any element that starts with an @
followed by any word, and always after the semi column :
Flags are used to modify the created draft
Some flags may requiere parameters to function correctly, like in the case of the tags
Supported Flags
- flagged - Makes the created draft flagged
- archived - Archives the created draft
- tags - Adds tags to the created draft
- parameters - Tags separated by commas
You can have variables in the template they have to follow this format
You can change the variable by one of two ways
1. Have a template tag in the current draft with the same name as the variable
2. Start the action and fill in the prompt
You can mix this two options with no problem
Creation Tag Filter
With the latest update v1.1, it made it possible to have specific tags to be used as templates, the default tags are template
and drafts
This feature is used so that you don’t need the template to be the current draft.
And in case that the current draft is not a valid template, the action will prompt you to select a valid one, according to the template requirements.
To change this defaults you have to edit the action and change the values
- Edit Action
Process Template
- Steps
- Script
Step 1
- Edit
You will find the following line
const requiredTags = "template,drafts"
Change the values of "template,drafts"
to any tags you would like to be applied to the filtering.
For example, if you would like the tag new files
to be the only tag used for the templates, the line would need to be
const requiredTags = "new files"
Known Issues
- So far you cannot add spaces and tabs at the start of a line in the content
/* actionVersion: v1.1 lastUpdate: 25/oct/21 author: Zrapata description: This action makes it possible to create multiple drafts from a template file draftsActionURL: */ const requiredTags = "template,drafts" var tagsArray = requiredTags.split(",") var currentDraft = testTags() var text if (currentDraft != false) { text = currentDraft.content var matches = text.match(/«.+?»/g) } var unNamedKeys = [] var allKeys = [] // MARK: Apply Template function applyTemplate() { if(matches) { const result = evaluateValues() if (!result) { return false } replaceValues(result) } processTemplate() } // Mark: Create Draft function createDraft(results) { var d = new Draft() d.content = d.processTemplate(results['content'] ?? '') d.isFlagged = results['flagged'] ?? false results['tags'].split(',').forEach(newTag => { d.addTag(newTag.trim()) }) d.isArchived = results['archived'] ?? false d.update() } // Mark: Crate Conent function createContent(title, content) { const newTitle = '# ' + title let newContent = [] if(content != undefined) { content.split('\n').forEach(newLine => { newContent.push(newLine.trim()) }) } return newTitle + '\n' + newContent.join('\n') } // Mark: Process Template function processTemplate() { const templateRegex = /(.*):\s*(@[\w].*[\w\)] ?)*(?:\{([\s\S]+?)\})?/g let draftMatch while(draftMatch = templateRegex.exec(text)) { let results = decodeTags(draftMatch[2]) results['content'] = createContent(draftMatch[1], draftMatch[3]) createDraft(results) } } // Mark: Process Tags function decodeTags(stringed) { const tagRegex = /@(\w*)(?:\(([\s\S]+?)\))?/g const tagMatches = stringed.match(tagRegex) var thisTagMatch var results = {} while(thisTagMatch = tagRegex.exec(stringed)) { const thisTagKey = thisTagMatch[1] const thisTagValue = thisTagMatch[2] results[thisTagKey] = thisTagValue ?? true } return results } // Mark: Evaluate Values function evaluateValues() { const matches = askValues() if(!matches) { return false } const matchedValues = Object.values(matches) if(unNamedKeys.length != 0) { app.displayWarningMessage('Please fill All the Values or Cancel the Operation') evaluateValues() } return matches } // MARK: Replace values function replaceValues(matches) { allKeys.forEach(key => { text = text.replaceAll(key, matches[key]) }) } // MARK: Create Prompt and Add Values function askValues() { matches.forEach(match => { if (!unNamedKeys.includes(match)) { unNamedKeys.push(match) } }) allKeys = unNamedKeys var result = readFromTemplate() if(unNamedKeys == '') { return result } var p = new Prompt() p.title = "Add Values" p.message = "Chage the default values to something" unNamedKeys.forEach(value => { p.addTextField(value, value, "") }) p.addButton("Confirm") if( { unNamedKeys.forEach(value => { const writtenValue = p.fieldValues[value].trim() if (writtenValue == '') { return } result[value] = writtenValue let index = unNamedKeys.indexOf(value) unNamedKeys = unNamedKeys.splice(index, 0) }) return result } else { return false } } // Mark: Read from Template Tag function readFromTemplate() { let result = {} unNamedKeys.forEach(value => { let newValue = value.replaceAll('«', '').replaceAll('»', '') let taggedValue = draft.getTemplateTag(newValue) if(taggedValue != '') { result[value] = taggedValue let index = unNamedKeys.indexOf(value) unNamedKeys = unNamedKeys.splice(index, 0) } }) return result } function callError(message) { app.displayErrorMessage(message) } // ---- Mark: ---- function testTags() { for (const newTag of tagsArray) { if(!draft.hasTag(newTag)) { return selectTemplate() } } return draft } function selectTemplate() { let thisDrafts = getDraftsFromTags() let p = new Prompt() p.title = "Elige una Plantilla" thisDrafts.forEach(d => { p.addButton(d.displayTitle, d) }) p.addLabel("searchQuery", "Query by: " + capitalizeTags()) if( == false) { return false } return p.buttonPressed } function getDraftsFromTags() { let thisWorkspace = new Workspace() thisWorkspace.tagFilter = requiredTags thisWorkspace.tagFilterRequireAll = true return thisWorkspace.query("inbox") } function capitalize(str) { const lower = str.toLowerCase() return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + lower.slice(1) } function capitalizeTags() { let thisTags = [] tagsArray.forEach(newTag => { thisTags.push(capitalize(newTag)) }) return thisTags.join(", ") } if(currentDraft != false) { applyTemplate() } // ---- Another Mark: ---- //doAction() //if(currentDraft.hasTag("template") && currentDraft.hasTag("drafts")) { // applyTemplate() //} else { // let action = Action.find("Copy"); // callError("The current draft need to be a template for drafts") //}
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