
Choose a Student

Posted by Joel_Arnold, Last update over 4 years ago

I’m a teacher and I want to call on different students each time. I also sometimes give quizzes by asking direct questions to keep them engaged and score the quality of their answers.

This action randomly chooses a student name from a list in Drafts, tallies the number of times they have been called on, and adds to their score [2] according to your choice in a prompt. The more times someone has been called on [1] the less likely they will be called on again. The format for your draft should be:

Class Name

John Johnson, 19, 5
Fred Coleman, 5, 14
Bob Bobson, 6, 9

In this scheme:
John Johnson has been called on 19x and accumulated a total of 5 points.

You can also use iOS shortcuts to choose the correct class list (Draft) by time of day using this Shortcut:

Action Link at


  • script

    // ** Pulls in the draft
    let originalText = draft.content;
    // **Separates the title and the list of names
    var splitLines = originalText.split("\n");
    var title = splitLines.slice(0, 1);
    var namesSplit = splitLines.slice(2);
    let fullArray = []
    // Function to put these lines into an object
    function createPersonRecord(fullLine) {
    	var scoreArray = fullLine.split(", ");
    	let personObject = {"name": scoreArray[0], "timesCalled": parseInt(scoreArray[1]), "score": parseInt(scoreArray[2])};
    	return personObject;
    // ** Turns all of the listed names into objects nested in an array. It iterates through and puts each one into this format as an object, then pushes it to the array.
    for (var i = 0; i < namesSplit.length; i++) {
    // ** Adds up the total scores of all students so far as an inverse of their times called number
    let sumOfTimesCalled = 0
    for (var i = 0; i < namesSplit.length; i++) {
    	sumOfTimesCalled += 1 / fullArray[i].timesCalled;
    // Takes the random number generated and multiplies it by the total scores
    let test = Math.random()
    let luckyStudent = Math.random() * sumOfTimesCalled;
    // Picks out the correct student from the array
    let testSum = 0
    for (var i = 0; luckyStudent > testSum; i++) {
    	testSum += 1 / fullArray[i].timesCalled;
    	luckyStudentName = fullArray[i].name;
    	luckyStudentIndex = i
    // Alerts the student name and prompts for a score
    var mods = [
    /* ------ Prompt ------ */
    var p = Prompt.create();
    p.title = "🥳  " + luckyStudentName + "  🥳";
    for (var mod of mods) {
    var con =;
    // Actions if not cancelled
    if (con) {
      if (p.buttonPressed == "1") {
        var score = "1";
      if (p.buttonPressed == "2") {
        var score = "2";
      if (p.buttonPressed == "3") {
        var score = "3";
      if (p.buttonPressed == "4") {
        var score = "4";
      if (p.buttonPressed == "5") {
        var score = "5";
    else {;
    // Adds one to their score and alerts their name
    fullArray[luckyStudentIndex].timesCalled = fullArray[luckyStudentIndex].timesCalled + 1;
    fullArray[luckyStudentIndex].score = fullArray[luckyStudentIndex].score + parseInt(score);
    // Recreates the Draft from the adjusted array and replaces it
    let updatedText = title + "\n";
    for (var i = 0; i < fullArray.length; i++) {
    	updatedText += "\n" + fullArray[i].name + ", " + fullArray[i].timesCalled + ", " + fullArray[i].score;
    draft.content = updatedText;


  • After Success Default
    Notification Info
    Log Level Info
Items available in the Drafts Directory are uploaded by community members. Use appropriate caution reviewing downloaded items before use.