< Theme

Nahumck Dark

Posted by @nahumck, Last update 9 months ago


9 months ago

Adjusted the widget colors to my liking.

show all updates...

9 months ago

Adjusted the widget colors to my liking.

9 months ago

Added parameters for widget customization.

over 2 years ago

Tweaked various colors for how I’m working. Notably:

  • ‘accent02’ and ‘accent04’ were swapped
  • ‘activeLink’ was reverted back to ‘link’ color
  • ‘text.bolditalic’ was set to ‘accent02’
  • misc other tweaks I can’t remember

over 2 years ago

Differentiated the link and activeLink properties.

over 2 years ago

Fixed a syntax error, and updated the text.url property to make links more readable.

over 3 years ago

Updated colors based on continued use. Less colors than before for headers, but overall a cleaner look.

over 3 years ago

Move from unlisted to listed in the Directory.

over 3 years ago

Updated using the latest scopes

over 3 years ago

Update of colors to match the syntax of Draftsdown; works with other syntaxes as well.

over 3 years ago

Changed default behaviors to more closely match MultiMarkdown. Changes in syntax highlighting for bold, italic, and footnotes are now controlled in the Draftsdown theme.

over 3 years ago

Changed the tintPink color.

over 3 years ago

Modified tint interface colors with a better palette.

over 3 years ago

Updated the interface colors using some of the new documentation as a guide.

over 3 years ago

Added the tint.Pink interface color.

Nahumck Dark

A dark theme based on the colors of nahumck.me

# Heading 1
## Heading 2
### Heading 3

Lorem _ipsum_ dolor sit amet, **consectetur** adipiscing elit, sed do `eiusmod` tempor [incididunt](/link) ut labore et dolore [[magna aliqua]].

> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Previews are only a partial representation. Actual appearance of themes may vary with syntax used.

Items available in the Drafts Directory are uploaded by community members. Use appropriate caution reviewing downloaded items before use.