Action Group

Process Text 3/9/2023

Posted by ericalinhu, Last update over 1 year ago

Included Actions

  • π—Žπ—‡π–½π—ˆ
  • redo
  • find
  • π—Œπ–Ύπ—… 𝖫𝗇
  • Copy
  • Paste
  • Copy all
  • 𝖺→𝗓 Sort α΄€ΚŸΚŸ
  • De-Duplicate ALL
  • Select All Content
  • Move cursor left
  • Move cursor right
  • Move cursor up
  • ↳𝗍𝖺𝖻
  • βŒ«π—Žπ—‡π—π–Ίπ–»
  • 𝗧𝗂𝗍𝗅𝖾
  • π—Œπ–Ύπ—… π–«π—‡β€΄οΈŽ
  • π—Œπ–Ύπ—… π–«π—‡β€΅οΈŽ
  • Straighten Quotes
  • πŸ‹ β†’ 🍣
  • 🍣 β†’ πŸ‹
  • "" sel
  • Duplicate Selected Line(s)
  • Duplicate Current Line
  • Repeat Duplicate Line "x" times (copy)
  • Move Curser
  • 𝖾𝗇𝖽 𝗉𝗋𝖾𝗏 π–«π—‡βŽ
  • βŒ–β€΄οΈŽend of prior Ln
  • βŒ–β€΅οΈŽ start next Ln
  • Move Forward by Word
  • Move Back by Word
  • Previous Marker
  • Next Marker
  • Move Text
  • Move Line Up
  • Move Line Down
  • Move Line Selection to Start
  • Move Line Selection to End
  • Case
  • Case
  • α΄„α΄€α΄˜s
  • π—…π—ˆπ—π–Όπ–Ίπ—Œπ–Ύ
  • πœπšπ¬π„
  • Delete
  • Trim Whitespace
  • Trim Whitespace
  • Process Text
  • ⌫Delete
  • DEL 𝖫𝗇
  • DEL Empty Lines
  • Blank Lines (includes w. Whitespace)
  • β†’DEL Leading Whitespace
  • DEL Trailing Whitespace←
  • DEL ALL Whitespace + Blank Lns
  • Delete
  • ⌫DEL π—‰π—‹π–Ύπ—π—ˆπ—Žπ—Œ 𝖫𝗇
  • ⌫ First Line of Selection
  • ⌫ DEL Last Line of Selection
  • ⌦DEL 𝗇𝗑𝗍 𝖫𝗇
  • Remove Lines Stating With
  • Remove Lines Not Stating With
  • Remove Lines Ending In
  • Remove Lines Not Ending In
  • Remove Lines containing
  • Remove Lines Not Containing
  • Utility
  • Stats
  • Word Actions
  • Replace with Synonym
  • Format Post (HTML)
  • Airtable.js Example
  • RegEx Factory v.1.4
  • DIFF
  • Write Good
  • HTML (Variable)
  • Process Link
  • Select & Process MD Link
  • Link for URL
  • Update Tags...
  • List Action Shortcuts
  • Process URL
  • Convert To HTML
  • Toggle Theme
  • Dictate new draft
  • Insert dictation
  • JS Indent
  • Outdent
  • Indent
  • New Draft with Template
  • Share Parsed Template
  • Craft Document From Template
  • Prompt template
  • New with Template & Tags
  • Blog Template
  • DUPLICATE BODY with options
  • ~Rhyme Selection
  • Find Advanced
  • Insert Date
  • βŒ–β‡£
  • Script Library
  • Sort
  • 𝗓→𝖺 α΄€ΚŸΚŸ
  • 𝖺→𝗓 sα΄‡ΚŸ
  • 𝗓→𝖺 sα΄‡ΚŸ
  • Replace Regex
  • imgur β†’ imgurp
  • imgur β†’ imgurp (copy)
  • Replace with
  • Replace dl=0 with raw=1
  • Replace \s with %20
  • Replace , ) to [[url:
  • Replace Ex.
  • Replace 1000px with 1024px
  • GitHub ⇨ Masterlogos
  • Replace GitHub Locals
  • Replace master logos Locals
  • Replace ' \t\thttp' β†’ with '\nhttp'
  • "-\n" β†’ "\n"
  • "-\n" β†’ "\n" (copy)
  • Replace "_" β†’ with " "
  • Replace "-" β†’ with " "
  • Replace ",-The" β†’ with ", The"
  • Replace " " β†’ with "-"
  • Append Each line with '.png'
  • Replace '\thttp' β†’ with '\nhttp'
  • Replace '\nhttp' β†’ with '\thttp'
  • Replace '\nhttp' β†’ with ' \t\thttp'
  • π–€π—Œπ—Œπ–Ύ
  • Replace '' β†’ with '' (copy) (copy)
  • Replace '\nhttp' β†’ with '&text=http'
  • Find
  • Global Find and Replace
  • Convert YAML to JSON
  • TSV β†’ JSON
  • JSON β†’ TSV
  • DEL Last Line of Selection
  • DEL First Line of Selection
  • Prepend each line with "@@||"
  • Prepend each line with "||"
  • Append each line with "^"
  • Append each line with "^" (copy)
  • Append each line with "^" 1
  • Append each line with "^" full
  • Actions
  • Web Search
  • Copy Tools...
  • Wrap
  • Close/Wrap Parentheses ( )
  • Close/Wrap Brackets [ ]
  • Close/Wrap Braces { }
  • Encode...
  • Decode...
  • retitle current Draft
  • Rhyme Selection
  • Import Folder
  • Suffix Text Variable
  • Append Text to Lines
  • TAD-Remove Lines Ending (copy)
  • TAD-Remove Lines Not Ending (copy)
  • Insert Tab
Items available in the Drafts Directory are uploaded by community members. Use appropriate caution reviewing downloaded items before use.