Action Group


Posted by drdrang, Last update over 6 years ago

A keyboard group for working with TaskPaper lists.

  • New Item: inserts tab-hyphen-space; useful when you’ve just added a new project.
  • Mark Done: adds a @done tag with date to the task where the cursor is or all the selected tasks.
  • Waiting: adds a @waiting tag to the task where the cursor is or all the selected tasks.
  • Archive: moves all @done tasks to the Archive section at the bottom; it’s meant to mimic the archiving action in the Mac TaskPaper app.
  • Rearrange: allow user to rearrange projects through the Drafts block move feature by adding blank lines between projects.
  • Upload: saves current draft to a Dropbox file named yyyy-mm.taskpaper; the action can be modified to change folder where it’s saved.
  • Upload As: saves current draft to a Dropbox file with name provided by user; the action can be modified to change folder where it’s saved.
  • Reload: replaces current draft with contents of Dropbox file named yyyy-mm.taskpaper; the action can be modified to change folder where it comes from.

The current year and month are used in the Upload and Reload file names.

These are somewhat idiosyncratic actions, tuned to how I use TaskPaper. You’ll want to tweak them to fit your needs.

Details of how the actions work can be found here:

Included Actions

  • Reload Dated
  • New Item
  • Mark Done
  • Mark Waiting
  • Archive Done
  • Upload Dated
  • Rearrange
  • Upload As…
Items available in the Drafts Directory are uploaded by community members. Use appropriate caution reviewing downloaded items before use.