Action Group


Posted by agiletortoise, Last update 9 months ago

Common Markdown formatting and tools, including Headers, Bold, Emphasis, toggling lists, etc.

Included Actions

  • Markdown Header (#)
  • Markdown Bold (**)
  • Markdown Emphasis (_)
  • Markdown Link
  • Inline Code (`)
  • Markdown Footnote (^)
  • Block Elements
  • Markdown List
  • Quote-Increase (>)
  • Quote-Decrease
  • Code Block (```)
  • Markdown Table
  • Edit Markdown Table
  • Preview
  • Preview
  • Swiss Preview
  • Foghorn Preview
  • Utility
  • Markdown Mail
  • Copy as HTML
  • Copy as Rich Text
  • Copy as Rich Text w/o Styles
  • Paste as Markdown
  • Print - Markdown
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