Action Group


Posted by agiletortoise, Last update 9 months ago


about 2 years ago

Add “Move Line Up”, “Move Line Down” actions, refactor indent-outdent actions

Example basic keyboard key actions for cursor movement, undo-redo, toggling tasks, etc.

This is one of the default action groups which ships with Drafts

Included Actions

  • Undo/Redo
  • Undo
  • Redo
  • Cursor Movement
  • Move Left
  • Move Right
  • Move Back by Word
  • Move Forward by Word
  • Commands
  • Find
  • Make Tasks
  • Toggle Tasks
  • Insert Date
  • Insert Dictation
  • Dictate New Draft
  • Copy Selection
  • Paste as Plain Text
  • Mail
  • Message
  • Text Manipulation
  • Indent
  • Outdent
  • Move Line Up
  • Move Line Down
  • Duplicate Line
  • Previous Marker
  • Next Marker
  • Utility
  • Toggle Theme
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