Posted by Harshal Shinde,
Last update
11 days ago
Tagger Overview:
This Drafts Action allows efficient tag management, helping you organize your drafts with precision. It reads a pre-created “master tag list” (stored as a separate draft where each tag is listed on a new line) and presents these tags in a selectable list. You can use Multiple Keyword Filtering by separating your search terms with commas. For instance, typing fru
will filter the list to show tags such as [sne*fru*]
, [jack*fru*its]
, and [*fru*gal]
You need to input the UUID of your “master tag list” draft in the second line of the second script:
Process Workflow
Decide on Existing Tags:
- Choose to either keep or remove the tags currently assigned to the draft.
- Enter comma-separated filter keywords to narrow down the master list.
- Leave the input field blank to display the full tag list.
- Choose to either keep or remove the tags currently assigned to the draft.
Filter Tags:
- Apply the filter keywords to the master tag list.
- Retain the currently assigned tags in the final list only if you chose to keep them in Step 1.
- Apply the filter keywords to the master tag list.
Tag Selection:
- View the filtered list of tags, including any retained ones.
- Select from the filtered options and, optionally, manually add additional tags.
- View the filtered list of tags, including any retained ones.
Update the Draft:
- Once your tags are finalized, update the draft with the selected tags along with any manually added ones.
- Once your tags are finalized, update the draft with the selected tags along with any manually added ones.
// Get current tags before modification var currentTags = draft.tags.slice(); // Clone to avoid live changes // Create a prompt to ask whether to clear existing tags var prompt = Prompt.create(); prompt.title = "Manage Existing Tags"; prompt.message = "Do you want to keep or remove the current tags?"; prompt.addButton("Keep Tags"); prompt.addButton("Remove Tags"); if ( { if (prompt.buttonPressed === "Remove Tags") { for (var tag of currentTags) { draft.removeTag(tag); } draft.update(); // Ensure tags are removed before proceeding } } // Run UniversalTags.js app.queueAction(Action.find("UniversalTags"), draft);
// Get the draft with tags var tagsDraft = Draft.find("D16FB76B-5BA8-4B6D-903B-C612A8026376"); if (!tagsDraft) { alert("Could not find the draft with tags"); context.cancel(); } // Parse tags from the draft (assuming each tag is on a separate line) var availableTags = tagsDraft.content.split("\n").filter(function(line) { return line.trim().length > 0; }); // Get current tags of the draft var currentTags = draft.tags; // Create a complete list of tags (ensuring no duplicates) var selectableTags = Array.from(new Set(availableTags)); // Step 1: Prompt the user for filter keywords var filterPrompt = Prompt.create(); filterPrompt.title = "Filter Tags"; filterPrompt.addTextField("filterKeywords", "Enter filter keywords (comma-separated)", "", { "placeholder": "Type keywords..." }); filterPrompt.addButton("Continue"); if ( { // Get the filter keywords entered by the user var filterKeywords = filterPrompt.fieldValues["filterKeywords"] .toLowerCase() .trim() .split(",") .map(function(keyword) { return keyword.trim(); }); // If filterKeywords is not empty, filter the tags based on them var filteredTags = filterKeywords.length > 0 ? selectableTags.filter(function(tag) { return filterKeywords.some(function(keyword) { return tag.toLowerCase().includes(keyword); }); }) : selectableTags; // Show all tags if no keywords are entered // Include current tags (even if not matching filter) in the filtered list var filteredTagsWithCurrent = Array.from(new Set(filteredTags.concat(currentTags))); // Create prompt to display var p = Prompt.create(); p.title = "Assign Tags"; p.addSelect("tags", "", filteredTagsWithCurrent, currentTags, true); p.addTextField("othertags", "Other", "", { "placeholder": "comma-separated tags", "autocapitalization": "none" }); p.addButton("Update"); // Show the prompt if ( { var selectedTags = p.fieldValues["tags"]; // Remove current tags for (var tag of currentTags) { draft.removeTag(tag); } // Add selected tags for (var tag of selectedTags) { draft.addTag(tag); } // Process any other tags entered manually var otherTags = p.fieldValues["othertags"].split(","); for (var tag of otherTags) { // Only add non-empty tags if (tag.trim().length > 0) { draft.addTag(tag.trim()); } } draft.update(); // Calculate total tags added for confirmation var totalTagsAdded = selectedTags.length; var otherTagsAdded = otherTags.filter(function(tag) { return tag.trim().length > 0; }).length; totalTagsAdded += otherTagsAdded; alert("Tags updated. Added " + totalTagsAdded + " tag(s)."); } }
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