send to brainful
Posted by Aditya @ brainful,
Last update
about 2 months ago
about 2 months ago
Added copy URL to clipboard.
Sends your draft to brainful.
// Script to perform an add block operation in brainful and copy URL to clipboard. let credential = Credential.create("brainful", "brainful companion to perform actions on your brainful account."); credential.addTextField("username", "Username"); credential.addPasswordField("password", "API Key"); credential.authorize(); // Endpoints subject to change - const BRAINFUL_ADD_URL = ""; const VIEW_BLOCK_URL_BASE = "{username}/{block_luid}"; async function sendBlock() { let http = HTTP.create(); // Create HTTP object let response = http.request({ "url": BRAINFUL_ADD_URL, "method": "POST", "headers": { "Authorization": `Token ${credential.getValue("password")}`, "Content-Type": "application/json" }, "data": { "string": draft.content } }); if (response.success) { let response_json = JSON.parse(response.responseText); let view_url = VIEW_BLOCK_URL_BASE.replace("{username}", credential.getValue("username")).replace("{block_luid}", response_json.luid) app.setClipboard(view_url) alert("Successfully created block with slug " + response_json.slug + " and copied URL to clipboard. You have " + response_json.remaining_daily_quota + " blocks available to send today.") } else { alert("Error: " + response.statusCode + " - " + response.error); } } sendBlock();
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