
TEMPLATE - Email multiple to Trello

Posted by Andrew Skotzko, Last update 10 days ago


10 days ago

Fixed description example

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10 days ago

Fixed description example

10 days ago

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Email each line as a task to a Trello board. Optional task description per-line following a “|” character. Removes blank lines. Emails in background.

Example input:

Task 1 // description
Task 2

Task 3 // description here


  • script

    // Configuration - Set your Trello board's email address here
    const TRELLO_BOARD_EMAIL = "<board email here>";
    // Get the current draft's content
    let content = draft.content;
    // Split the content into lines
    let lines = content.split("\n").filter(line => line.trim()); // Remove empty lines
    // Process each line
    lines.forEach(line => {
        // Initialize variables for subject and body
        let subject, body;
        // Check if line contains the separator
        if (line.includes("//")) {
            let parts = line.split("//");
            subject = parts[0].trim();
            body = parts[1].trim();
        } else {
            subject = line.trim();
            body = " "; // Empty body if no separator found
        // Create and configure the mail action
        let mail = Mail.create();
        mail.toRecipients = [TRELLO_BOARD_EMAIL];
        mail.subject = subject;
        mail.body = body;
        mail.sendInBackground = true;
    // Provide feedback
    if (lines.length > 0) {
        app.displayInfoMessage(`Sent ${lines.length} items to Trello`);
    } else {
        app.displayErrorMessage("No content found to send");


  • After Success Archive
    Notification Info
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Items available in the Drafts Directory are uploaded by community members. Use appropriate caution reviewing downloaded items before use.