Drop Selected Tasks
Posted by jochi,
Last update
8 months ago
“Drop” selected tasks with strikethrough markdown
// Get the selected range and full text const selectionStart = editor.getSelectedRange()[0]; const selectionLength = editor.getSelectedRange()[1]; const selectionEnd = selectionStart + selectionLength; const fullText = editor.getText(); // Calculate the start position of the selection, ensuring it starts at the beginning of a line let startOfSelection = fullText.lastIndexOf("\n", selectionStart - 1) + 1; if (startOfSelection === 0) { startOfSelection = 0; // If no newline is found, start from the beginning } // Calculate the end position of the selection, ensuring it ends at the end of a line let endOfSelection = fullText.indexOf("\n", selectionEnd); if (endOfSelection === -1) { endOfSelection = fullText.length; // If no newline is found, end at the last character } // Get the text from the start to the end of the lines const textToWrap = fullText.substring(startOfSelection, endOfSelection); // Split the text into lines const lines = textToWrap.split("\n"); // Wrap each line's content in strikethrough markdown const updatedLines = => { // Match lines that start with "- [ ] " if (line.startsWith("- [ ] ")) { return line.replace(/^- \[ \] (.*)/, "- [ ] ~~$1~~"); } // Return the line unchanged if it does not match return line; }); // Join the updated lines back into a single string const updatedSelection = updatedLines.join("\n"); // Replace the selected text with the updated text editor.setTextInRange(startOfSelection, endOfSelection - startOfSelection, updatedSelection); // Calculate the new end position of the selection const newEndOfSelection = startOfSelection + updatedSelection.length; // Set the new selection range editor.setSelectedRange(startOfSelection, updatedSelection.length);
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