
format md table

Posted by FlohGro, Last update 4 months ago


4 months ago

add save version

created by @FlohGro / more on my Blog

place your cursor into any markdown table of your Draft and run this action to format / pretty print the markdown table.

You don’t need to select the whole table, the action will find the start and end of the table on its own.

The table needs to have a separator line as second row and must have more than three rows for the action to work.

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  • script

    // format markdown table v1.0 created by @FlohGro
    function isTableLine(line) {
    	return /\|.*\|/.test(line);
    function isSeparatorLine(line) {
    	// workaround proper regex could also be used but we just wrap the whole line between two words to ensure only whole lines are matched
    	let testLine = "start" + line + "end"
    	return /start\s*\|\s*[\-:\—|\s]+\s*\|\s*end/.test(testLine)
    // save the version of the draft
    let content = editor.getText();
    let selectedRange = editor.getSelectedLineRange()
    // move cursorPos to the middle of the selection / selected line
    let cursorPos = selectedRange[0] + Math.round(selectedRange[1] / 2);
    const selectedLineRange = editor.getLineRange(cursorPos, 1)
    const curLine = editor.getTextInRange(selectedLineRange[0], selectedLineRange[1]).trim()
    if (!isTableLine(curLine)) {
    	// current line is not a table line → abort
    	console.log("no line in a table selected (selected line is not a table line)")
    	app.displayWarningMessage("no line in a table selected")
    	context.cancel("no line in a table selected (selected line is not a table line)")
    } else {
    	// current line is a table line, proceed
    	let lines = content.split('\n');
    	// determine the current line number from the cursor position
    	// we need to be careful, if the same line exists twice in the draft -> we can't use lines.indexOf(curLine)!
    	let curLineIdx = 0
    	let curPosIdx = 0
    	let prevPosIdx = 0
    	for (let line of lines) {
    		prevPosIdx = curPosIdx
    		curPosIdx += line.length + 1 // +1 for newline
    		if (curPosIdx >= cursorPos && cursorPos >= prevPosIdx) {
    			// we found the correct line -> exit
    		curLineIdx += 1
    	// find the start and end lines of the table
    	let startLineIdx = curLineIdx
    	let endLineIdx = curLineIdx
    	// scan upwards to find the start of the table
    	while (startLineIdx > 0 && isTableLine(lines[startLineIdx - 1])) {
    	// scan downwards to find the end of the table
    	while (endLineIdx < lines.length && isTableLine(lines[endLineIdx])) {
    	if (startLineIdx == endLineIdx) {
    		console.log("no valid table found (startLineIdx == endLineIdx)")
    		app.displayWarningMessage("no valid table found")
    		context.cancel("no valid table found (startLineIdx == endLineIdx)")
    	} else if (endLineIdx - startLineIdx < 3) {
    		console.log("no valid table found (sendLineIdx - startLineIdx < 3)")
    		app.displayWarningMessage("no valid table found")
    		context.cancel("no valid table found (endLineIdx - startLineIdx < 3)")
    	} else {
    		// extract the table lines
    		let tableLines = lines.slice(startLineIdx, endLineIdx);
    		tableLines = => line.replace(/—/g, `-`))
    		let separatorLine = tableLines[1]
    		if (!isSeparatorLine(separatorLine)) {
    			// no valid separator line
    			console.log("no valid separator line found (separator line:\"" + separatorLine + "\")")
    			app.displayWarningMessage("no valid separator line found")
    			context.cancel("no valid separator line found (separator line:\"" + separatorLine + "\")")
    		} else {
    			// check set alignments for cells
    			let cellAlignments = [];
    			separatorLine.split("|").map(cell => {
    				cell = cell.trim()
    				let alignment = ""
    				if (cell.length == 0) {
    					alignment = "x"
    				} else if (/:[\-|\—]+:/.test(cell)) {
    					alignment = "c"
    				} else if (/:[\-|\—]+/.test(cell)) {
    					alignment = "l"
    				} else if (/[\-|\—]+:/.test(cell)) {
    					alignment = "r"
    				} else {
    					// default to left align
    					alignment = "l"
    			// remove separator row (it should not influcence the table widths)
    			tableLines.splice(1, 1)
    			// parse the table into cells and calculate max widths
    			let cellWidths = [];
    			let tableCells = => {
    				// split the line into cells, trim whitespace, and remove leading/trailing pipes
    				let cells = line.split('|').map(cell => cell.trim());
    				cells.forEach((cell, i) => {
    					cellWidths[i] = Math.max(cellWidths[i] || 0, cell.length);
    				return cells;
    			// create new separator row (cells) with correct alignments
    			let separatorCells = []
    			for (let i in cellWidths) {
    				switch (cellAlignments[i]) {
    					case "l": separatorCells.push(":" + '-'.repeat(cellWidths[i] - 1)); break;
    					case "r": separatorCells.push('-'.repeat(cellWidths[i] - 1) + ":"); break;
    					case "c": separatorCells.push(":" + '-'.repeat(cellWidths[i] - 2) + ":"); break;
    					default: separatorCells.push(""); break;
    			// insert newly created separator cells into table again
    			tableCells.splice(1, 0, separatorCells);
    			// reconstruct the table with proper formatting
    			let formattedTable =, rowIndex) => {
    				return, i) => {
    					return cell.padEnd(cellWidths[i], ' ');
    				}).join(' | ').trim();
    			// Replace the table in the original content
    			lines.splice(startLineIdx, endLineIdx - startLineIdx, formattedTable);
    			// Set the cursor back to the original position
    			let finalLines = editor.getText().split("\n")
    			let destPosIdx = 0
    			let destLineIdx = 0
    			for (let line of finalLines) {
    				destPosIdx += line.length + 1 //+1 for newline
    				destLineIdx += 1
    				if (destLineIdx > curLineIdx) {
    			destPosIdx -= 1
    			editor.setSelectedRange(destPosIdx, 0)


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