md task toggler
Posted by FlohGro,
Last update
about 1 year ago
about 1 year ago
add the code.. accidentally published with my dev script
about 1 year ago
add the code.. accidentally published with my dev script
about 1 year ago
description updated
about 1 year ago
description updated
about 1 year ago
description updated
created by @FlohGro / more on my Blog
md task toggler
Add or toggle markdown tasks in current selection.
Works for a single line (where the cursor is positioned) or if text in multiple lines is selected.
If tasks in the selected lines have different states they will be synchronized to the same state.
āāDā is configured as keyboard shortcut - change this if you want to use a different one
If you find this useful and want to support me you can donate or buy me a coffee
// toggle or add checklist in selected lines // created by FlohGro const off = "[ ]"; const on = "[x]"; // grab state let [lnStart, lnLen] = editor.getSelectedLineRange(); let lnText = editor.getTextInRange(lnStart, lnLen - 1); let [selStart, selLen] = editor.getSelectedRange(); function checkBoxWithState(destState) { if (destState) { return '- ' + on + ' ' } else { return '- ' + off + ' ' } } function getLenDiff(orgT, newT) { return newT.length - orgT.length } const lines = lnText.split('\n'); const multipleLinesUsed = lines.length == 1 ? false : true const newLineAtTheEnd = editor.getTextInRange(lnStart, lnLen).endsWith("\n") const reg = /^(\s*[*-]?\s*)\[([xX ])?\]\s?(.*)/; let destState = false; if (lnText.includes(off)) { destState = true } let outLines = [] let insertedCharacters = 0 let orgT = ""; let newT = "" for (let line of lines) { let orgT = line if (line.trim() == "") { // empty line newT = checkBoxWithState(destState) outLines.push(checkBoxWithState(destState)) insertedCharacters += getLenDiff(orgT, newT) } else if (/^(\s*)(\w)/.test(line)) { // line with text newT = line.replace(/^(\s*)(\w)/, '$1' + checkBoxWithState(destState) + '$2') outLines.push(newT) insertedCharacters += getLenDiff(orgT, newT) } else if (/^(\s*)[*-] ([^\[])/.test(line)) { // a bullet point newT = line.replace(/^(\s*)[*-] ([^\[])/, '$1' + checkBoxWithState(destState) + '$2') outLines.push(newT) insertedCharacters += getLenDiff(orgT, newT) } else if (/^(\s*)([*-] \[[ xX]\] )/.test(line)) { // md checkbox with whitespace at the end newT = line.replace(/^(\s*)([*-] \[[ xX]\] )/, '$1' + checkBoxWithState(destState)) outLines.push(newT) insertedCharacters += getLenDiff(orgT, newT) } else if (/^(\s*)([*-] \[[ xX]\])/.test(line)) { // md checkbox without whitespace at the end newT = line.replace(/^(\s*)([*-] \[[ xX]\])/, '$1' + checkBoxWithState(destState)) outLines.push(newT) insertedCharacters += getLenDiff(orgT, newT) } } lnText = outLines.join('\n') lnText += newLineAtTheEnd ? "\n" : ""; editor.setTextInRange(lnStart, lnLen, lnText); if (multipleLinesUsed) { editor.setSelectedRange(lnStart, lnLen + insertedCharacters - 1) } else { if (selLen == 0) { editor.setSelectedRange(selStart + insertedCharacters, selLen) } else { editor.setSelectedRange(selStart, selLen + insertedCharacters) } }
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