Post Jekyll blog entry to Github repository
Posted by Joshua Oliphant,
Last update
about 1 year ago
// Create a GitHub credential let githubCredential = Credential.create("GitHub", "Enter your GitHub details for posting to your repository."); githubCredential.addTextField("username", "Username"); githubCredential.addPasswordField("token", "Personal Access Token"); githubCredential.addTextField("repoName", "Repository Name"); githubCredential.addTextField("email", "Email Address"); // Prompt the user for credentials if not already saved if (!githubCredential.authorize()) { console.log("Authorization failed or was cancelled by the user.");; } // Extract details from the credentials const username = githubCredential.getValue("username"); const token = githubCredential.getValue("token"); const repoName = githubCredential.getValue("repoName"); const email = githubCredential.getValue("email"); // Prepare your post content with front matter const title = draft.content.split("\n")[0].replace('# ', ''); // Assuming the first line of the draft is the title const date = new Date().toISOString().split('T')[0]; const slug = title.toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/g, '-').replace(/[^\w\-]+/g, '').replace(/\-\-+/g, '-').trim('-'); const fileName = `${date}-${slug}.md`; // Dynamically generate categories from Drafts tags const categories = draft.tags.join(', '); // Construct front matter const frontMatter = `--- layout: post title: "${title}" date: ${date} categories: [${categories}] // Dynamically generated categories from Drafts tags --- `; const fullContent = frontMatter + draft.content.split("\n").slice(1).join("\n"); // Append the rest of the draft content excluding the title const encodedContent = Base64.encode(fullContent); // Setup for the GitHub API request const path = `_posts/${fileName}`; const apiUrl = `${username}/${repoName}/contents/${path}`; const data = { owner: `${username}`, repo: `${repoName}`, path: `${path}`, message: 'Sent from Drafts', committer: { name: `${username}`, email: `${email}` }, content: encodedContent }; // Create the HTTP request let http = HTTP.create(); let response = http.request({ "url": apiUrl, "method": "PUT", "headers": { "Authorization": `Bearer ${token}`, "User-Agent": "DraftsApp", "Content-Type": "application/json", 'X-GitHub-Api-Version': '2022-11-28' }, "data": JSON.stringify(data) }); // Process the response if (response.statusCode === 200 || response.statusCode === 201) { console.log("Successfully created/updated the file on GitHub."); } else { console.log("Failed to post to GitHub. Status code: " + response.statusCode + " Response: " + response.responseText); }
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Items available in the Drafts Directory are uploaded by community members. Use appropriate caution reviewing downloaded items before use.