
create draft from event

Posted by FlohGro, Last update about 1 year ago

created by @FlohGro / more on my Blog

Create a new draft from current calendar event.
If several events are on your calendar(s) you can select the event you want from a prompt.

Configuration Options

change the content of the template tags to change the behavior of the action by editing the Define Template Tag steps of it (DO NOT RENAME THE Template Tag, only edit the content)

  • calendars_to_exclude: exclude calendars by writing their exact names in a new line for each calendar the action should not look into
  • tags_to_add: the action can add tags to the created draft. add each tag it should add into a new line

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  • defineTemplateTag

  • defineTemplateTag

  • script

    // create draft from selected event with event details meeting
    // Find all calendars
    let calendars = Calendar.getAllCalendars();
    const calendarsToExclude = draft.processTemplate("[[calendars_to_exclude]]").split("\n").map((val) => val.trim())
    const tagsToAdd = draft.processTemplate("[[tags_to_add]]").split("\n").map((val) => val.trim())
    // Check if there is a calendar event that is about to start, is currently running or just ended
    let events = [];
    calendars.forEach(function (calendar) {
        if (calendarsToExclude.includes(calendar.title)) {
        let calendarEvents =,;
        calendarEvents.filter(function (event) {
            return eventIsWithinTimeLimits(event)
        }).forEach(function (event) {
    if (events.length === 0) {
        // If there are no events found, display a message and stop the script
        alert("No events found.");
    } else if (events.length === 1) {
        // If there is only one event, create a new draft with its information
    } else {
        // sort events by start time
        events.sort((a, b) => a.startDate.getTime() - b.startDate.getTime())
        // If there are multiple events, prompt the user to select one
        let p = Prompt.create();
        p.title = "Select an event";
        events.forEach(function (event) {
            p.addButton(event.title, event);
        if ( {
            let selectedEvent = p.buttonPressed;
        } else {
            app.displayInfoMessage("aborted by user")
            context.cancel("aborted by user")
    function createDraftFromEvent(event) {
        // Create a new draft with the event information
        let newDraft = Draft.create();
        // iso date & event title
        newDraft.content = `# ${event.startDate.toISOString().substring(0, 10)} ${event.title}\n\n`;
        // metadata
        newDraft.content += `| info | details     |\n|:-----|:------------|\n`
        // Calendar
        //newDraft.content += `**Calendar:** ${event.calendar.title}\n\n`;
        if (event.isAllDay) {
            newDraft.content += `| when | all day    |\n`;
        else {
            newDraft.content += `| when | ${event.startDate.toLocaleTimeString('en-US', { hour12: false }).substring(0, 5)}-${event.endDate.toLocaleTimeString('en-US', { hour12: false }).substring(0, 5)} |\n`;
        if (event.location) {
            newDraft.content += `| where | ${event.location} |\n`;
        if (event.attendees.length > 0) {
            newDraft.content += `| who  | ${ =>', ')} |\n`;
        newDraft.content += `\n## Notes\n\n` => newDraft.addTag(tag));
        // Load the newly created draft
    function formatDuration(startDate, endDate) {
        let duration = Math.abs(endDate.getTime() - startDate.getTime()) / 1000;
        let hours = Math.floor(duration / 3600);
        let minutes = Math.floor((duration % 3600) / 60);
        let seconds = duration % 60;
        if (hours > 0) {
            return `${hours} hours ${minutes} minutes`;
        } else if (minutes > 0) {
            return `${minutes} minutes ${seconds} seconds`;
        } else {
            return `${seconds} seconds`;
    function eventIsWithinTimeLimits(event) {
        // 15 minutes (after an event finished, present it anyways)
        const gracePeriod = 15 * 60 * 1000
        const startTime = event.startDate.getTime();
        const endTime = event.endDate.getTime();
        const now = new Date().getTime();
        return (startTime - now) <= 60 * 60 * 1000 && now <= (endTime + gracePeriod);


  • After Success Default , Tags: testingtag
    Notification Info
    Log Level Info
Items available in the Drafts Directory are uploaded by community members. Use appropriate caution reviewing downloaded items before use.