Post to Ghost with Options
Posted by agiletortoise,
Last update
12 months ago
Example action demonstrating use of the Ghost API via script to create a new post, prompting for options prior to posting.
Note: The first time this action is run, you will be prompted for the Ghost site base URL, and your staff access token, which can be copied from Ghost admin, under your account profile.
For more information on Ghost integration, see our integration guide
// configure title and body // body should contain HTML, so pre-process Markdown const title = draft.processTemplate("[[display_title]]") const body = draft.processTemplate("%%[[body]]%%") let f = () => { // prompt for options let p = new Prompt() p.title = "Ghost Options" p.message = "Select options for this Ghost post." p.addTextField("slug", "Slug", "") p.addTextView("excerpt", "Excerpt", "") p.addLabel("Status", "Status") p.addTextField("tags", "Tags (comma-separated)", "") p.addSwitch("featured", "Featured", false) p.addSegmentedControl("status", "Status", ["Draft", "Published"], "Draft") p.addButton("Post") if (! { return false } // construct data to send to Ghost API // see API docs for details: let post = { "title": title, "html": body, "status": p.fieldValues["status"].toLowerCase(), "featured": p.fieldValues["featured"] } let slug = p.fieldValues["slug"] if (slug.length > 0) { post["slug"] = slug } let excerpt = p.fieldValues["excerpt"] if (excerpt.length > 0) { post["custom_excerpt"] = excerpt } let tags = p.fieldValues["tags"] if (tags.length > 0) { post["tags"] = tags.split(",").map(t => t.trim()) } let data = { "posts": [ post ] } // make request to API let g = new Ghost() let response = g.request({ "path": "/admin/posts/", "method": "POST", "parameters": {"source": "html"}, "data": data }) if (response.success) { let url = response.responseData["posts"][0]["url"] if (url) { console.log(`Ghost Post Created: ${url}`) } console.log(response.responseText) } else { console.log(`Ghost Post Failed: ${response.statusCode} ${response.responseText} `) } return true } if (!f()) { context.cancel() }
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