Toggle Done
Posted by niftinessafoot,
Last update
about 1 year ago
Uses Drafts’ Tasks API to toggle task completion state, regardless of syntax. Works with Markdown, Simple List, and Taskpaper syntaxes.
const [lineStart, lineLength] = editor.getSelectedLineRange(); const [cursorPos] = editor.getSelectedRange(); const index = draft.tasks.findIndex( ({ lineRange }) => lineRange[0] === lineStart ); const currentTask = draft.tasks[index]; if (!!currentTask) { if (!currentTask.isCompleted) { editor.completeTask(currentTask); } else { editor.resetTask(currentTask); // Refresh cursor position—updated state may have changed the line length. const newLength = draft.tasks[index].lineRange.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0); if (cursorPos > newLength) { editor.setSelectedRange(newLength, 0); } } draft.update(); }
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