copy link to marker
Posted by FlohGro,
Last update
about 1 year ago
created by @FlohGro / more on my Blog
copy link to marker
This action copies the link to a marker of your choice for wiki style linking in markdown drafts.
When you run the action it’ll ask you if you want to copy the link of the current section (the cursor is in that section), the next section, or if you want to select from any other marker in the current draft
After selecting an option the Action copies the link to the marker into the clipboard so you can use it inside the current draft or paste it to any other draft.
(the links will be escaped as described in the docs
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// link to marker const [cursorPosition, selectionLength] = editor.getSelectedRange(); function getNavigationMarkerOfCurrentSection() { return editor.navigationMarkerBefore(cursorPosition) } function getNavigationMarkerOfNextSection() { return editor.navigationMarkerAfter(cursorPosition) } let currentMarker = getNavigationMarkerOfCurrentSection() let nextMarker = getNavigationMarkerOfNextSection() // label property is interesting for the linking function selectMarkerInCurrentDraft() { let p = new Prompt() p.title = "select section" editor.navigationMarkers.forEach(marker => { //exclude draft title if (marker.label != draft.displayTitle) { p.addButton(marker.label, marker) } }); if ( { return p.buttonPressed } else { app.displayInfoMessage("no marker selected") return undefined } } function createLinkToMarker(marker) { // [[Title of Draft/Marker Name]] let title = draft.displayTitle let escapedTitle = title.replaceAll("/", "\\/") let label = marker.label let escapedLabel = label.replaceAll("/", "\\/") return "[[" + escapedTitle + "/" + escapedLabel + "]]" } if (editor.navigationMarkers.length > 0) { let p = new Prompt() p.title = "which marker to link" if (currentMarker) { p.addButton("current section") } if (nextMarker) { p.addButton("next section") } p.addButton("select from all markers") if ( { let marker = undefined switch (p.buttonPressed) { case "current section": marker = currentMarker; break; case "next section": marker = nextMarker; break; case "select from all markers": marker = selectMarkerInCurrentDraft(); break; default: marker = undefined; break; } if (marker) { app.setClipboard(createLinkToMarker(marker)) app.displaySuccessMessage("copied link to marker\"" + marker.label + "\"") } } } else { app.displayInfoMessage("no markers in current draft") }
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