show reading time
Posted by FlohGro,
Last update
over 1 year ago
created by @FlohGro / more on my Blog
show reading time
displays an alert that shows the reading time of the current draft in minutes and seconds.
You can change the wpm (words-per-minute) in the script step.
Edit the script step and set the variable wpm
in line 13 to your preference.
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// show reading time /* Third-grade students = 150 words per minute (wpm) Eighth grade students = 250 wpm Average college student = 450 wpm Average "high-level exec" = 575 wpm Average college professor = 675 wpm Speed readers = 1,500 wpm World speed reading champion = 4,700 wpm Average adult = 300 wpm */ const wpm = 300; function calcReadingTime(text) { const words = text.trim().split(/\s+/).length; const decimalMinutes = words / wpm //Math.ceil(words / wpm); // Extract whole number part const wholeMinutes = Math.floor(decimalMinutes); // Extract decimal part and convert to seconds const decimalPart = decimalMinutes - wholeMinutes; const seconds = Math.round(decimalPart * 60); return [words, wholeMinutes + "min " + seconds + "s"]; } const text = draft.content let result = calcReadingTime(text); const words = result[0] const readingTime = result[1] alert("reading time = " + readingTime + "\n\n" + words + " words, " + wpm + " wpm reading speed")
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