ChatGPT: Modify Selection
10 months ago
Default to new “gpt-4o” model
10 months ago
Default to new “gpt-4o” model
11 months ago
Added prompt options to select how to handle the result.
NOTE: For more information on using this action, visit our OpenAI integration guide. You will need to setup an API key before use of any ChatGPT actions.
Prompt for a text manipulation instruction and request ChatGPT to perform that instruction on the selected text. By default, the selection will be replaced with the result, but the prompt also allows you to select other output options (append, clipboard).
For example, select the text “my text” in the draft, run this action, and give the instruction “uppercase” in the prompt. The result will be “MY TEXT.”
This becomes more useful when you want to apply a series of instructions. For example, select the text “Happy Birthday Joe!” in a draft and use the instruction “uppercase and insert an 🎉 emoji between each word” to get “HAPPY 🎉 BIRTHDAY 🎉 JOE!”
// change variable to alter models available const models = [ "gpt-4o", "gpt-3.5-turbo" ] // get your input selected text, and store range for later const selection = editor.getSelectedText() const [st, len] = editor.getSelectedRange() let f = () => { let p = new Prompt() p.title = "ChatGPT: Modify Selection" p.message = "What do you want AI to do with the selected text?" p.addTextView("instruction", "Prompt", "") p.addLabel("caption", "Provide an instruction to transform the selected text in the draft, for example `capitalize`, `translate into spanish`") p.addSelect("result", "Result", ["Replace Selection", "Append to Selection", "Place in Clipboard"], ["Replace Selection"], false) p.addSelect("model", "Model", models, [models[0]], false) p.addButton("Modify") if (! { return false } const instruction = p.fieldValues["instruction"] if (instruction == 0) { return false } // build prompt with instruction and selection let chatPrompt = `${instruction} the following text, returning only the result: ${selection}` // send that to ChatGPT let ai = OpenAI.create() ai.model = p.fieldValues["model"] let answer = ai.quickChatResponse(chatPrompt) // if we got no reply, cancel if (!answer || answer.length == 0) { return false } switch(String(p.fieldValues["result"])) { case "Replace Selection": editor.setSelectedText(answer) editor.setSelectedRange(st, answer.length) break case "Append to Selection": editor.setSelectedText(`${selection} ${answer} `) editor.setSelectedRange(st + selection.length + 2, answer.length) break default: // clipboard app.setClipboard(answer) break } return true } if (!f()) { }
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