Previous Placeholder <|>
Posted by agiletortoise,
Last update
about 2 years ago
Find and select the previous placeholder text in the draft. Mean for use with templates as described in this forum tip
Placeholders are any text matching <|fieldname>
, where “fieldname” is optional.
// define the placeholder to find const placeholderRe = /<\|.*?>/gm // grab values to use let [st, len] = editor.getSelectedRange() const text = editor.getText() // function to locate the next matching placeholder function findPrevious(str, st) { let matches = [] while(match = placeholderRe.exec(text)) { matches.push(match) } for (let match of matches.reverse()) { let pos = match["index"] if (pos < st) { return [pos, match[0].length] } } return [null, null] } // find next placeholder and select it let [placeSt, placeLn] = findPrevious(text, st) if (placeSt) { editor.setSelectedRange(placeSt, placeLn) editor.activate() }
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