
Airtable: Create Record

Posted by agiletortoise, Last update over 1 year ago

Demo of scripting record creation in Airtable. Needs to be modified to have baseId, tableName, and field values that map to an actual table in your account.

See Airtable integration guide for usage details.


  • script

    // set values from your account
    let baseId = "appOSVpC6cay6jFbX"
    let tableName = "Debug"
    // create Airtable value
    let at = new Airtable()
    let record = {
    	"fields": {
    		"F1": "Text for Field 1",
    		"F2": "Text for Field 2",
    		"Complete": true // checkbox field
    	"typecast": true
    let result = at.createRecords(baseId, tableName, record)
    if (result) { // success! result contains record info
    	console.log("Airtable record created")
    else { // something went wrong, log error


  • After Success Default
    Notification Info
    Log Level Info
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