GPT Toy 1.1
Posted by pborenstein,
Last update
about 2 years ago
A toy to play with OpenAI’s GPT-3 in your favorite app.
Takes the selected text (or the entire draft) as a prompt (input) for GPT-3’s completion endpoint and appends the result to the draft.
If there is selected text, the result includes the original prompt.
The max_tokens
value controls how many tokens GPT-3 uses to do the completion.
I’m pborenstein almost everywhere including gmail.
// GPT Toy -- a toy for the OpenAI GPT-3 API // If no selection, the toy uses the entire draft. // If there is a selection, the toy uses the selection. // The `max_tokens` value controls the number of tokens // GPT-3 uses to perform the completion. // Credentials // This script requires a GPT API key. // You can get one at const credential = Credential.create('GPTKey', "Credentials for a GPT toy"); credential.addPasswordField('gptKey', "GPT API key"); credential.authorize(); const gptKey = credential.getValue('gptKey'); /**** * OpenAI API ****/ const gptURL = '' const http = HTTP.create(); // create HTTP object // POST const getCompletion = (prompt, echo) => { const response = http.request({ "method": 'POST', "url": gptURL, "headers": { "Authorization": `Bearer ${gptKey}` }, "data": { "model": "text-davinci-003", "prompt": prompt, "max_tokens": 1536, "temperature": 0.6, "top_p": 1, "n": 1, "stream": false, "logprobs": null, "echo": echo } }) console.log(`===> ${JSON.stringify(response.responseData, null, 2)}`) if (response.success) return response.responseData.choices[0].text else return `###### ${response.statusCode} -- ${response.error}` } /**** * getPrompt() * * Get the prompt from the draft or the selection * If there is a selection, then echo the prompt * Returns an array with the prompt and whether to echo it ****/ const getPrompt = () => { let echoPrompt = false let p = editor.getSelectedText() if (p) echoPrompt = true else p = draft.content p = p.trim() return [p, echoPrompt] } /**** * Main ****/ let [p, echo] = getPrompt() const response = getCompletion(`${p}`, echo) draft.saveVersion() // save the draft, just in case // add a separator between the prompt and // the response when echoing the prompt if (echo) { draft.append(`\n---`) } draft.append(response.trim()) draft.addTag('gpt') draft.update()
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