

Posted by garbonsai, Last update over 2 years ago

Sorts the selected lines in alphabetical order without moving them down a line.


  • script

    // get the selected lines of the draft as a string
    let selRange = editor.getSelectedLineRange();
    let selText = editor.getTextInRange( selRange[ 0 ], selRange[ 1 ] );
    // break the string into an array on \n, sort it, then join it again using \n
    // if the selection is only a portion of the draft, remove the final \n first,
    // then add it again once the sorting and joining is complete
    let sortedText = selText === editor.getText() ?
    	selText.split( '\n' ).sort().join( '\n' ) :
    	selText.replace( /\n$/, '' ).split( '\n' ).sort().join( '\n' ) + '\n';
    // replace the selected lines with the sorted lines
    editor.setTextInRange( selRange[ 0 ], selRange[ 1 ], sortedText );


  • After Success Default
    Notification Error
    Log Level Error
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