Add to Readwise Reader
Posted by EvanR,
Last update
over 2 years ago
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const SOURCE_TYPE = "drafts"; const BASE_URL = ""; let selectedText; if (editor.getSelectedText().length > 0) { selectedText = editor.getSelectedText(); } else { selectedText = draft.content.replace(/(?:\r\n\n|\r|\n\n)/g, '<p>'); } postToReadwise(selectedText, draft.displayTitle); function postToReadwise(selectedText, selectedBook) { const POST_URL = BASE_URL + "save/"; const htmlString = `<div><p>${selectedText}</p></div>`; const uuid = draft.uuid; const randomUrl = `${uuid}`; let credReadwise = Credential.create( "Readwise", "Highlight surfacing service." ); credReadwise.addPasswordField("token", "API Token"); credReadwise.authorize(); let httpMain = HTTP.create(); let respMain = httpMain.request({ url: POST_URL, method: "POST", data: { title: selectedBook, url: randomUrl, html: htmlString, document: selectedBook, author: "Evan Rauner", tags: ["thoughts"], }, headers: { Authorization: `Token ${credReadwise.getValue("token")}`, }, }); if (respMain.success) { return true; } else { console.log(`[${respMain.statusCode}] ${respMain.error}`); return false; } } function getRandomInt(max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * max); }
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