Jump/Goto Section
Posted by @jsamlarose,
Last update
about 2 years ago
about 2 years ago
Now offers the ability to set jump destination as the beginning or end of a section (defaults to end).
Another take on an action to aid navigation within a draft. This allows for jumping to the beginning or end of a section in a markdown document (where a section = a header + any text under that header).
function escapeRegExp(string) { return string.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&'); // $& means the whole matched string } const array = draft.lines const headers = array.filter(value => /^#+/.test(value)); let p = Prompt.create(); p.title = "go to"; for (var header of headers) { p.addButton(header); } p.addSegmentedControl("pos", "", ["beginning","end"], "end") p.isCancellable = true if ( { selHeader = p.buttonPressed sel = editor.getSelectedLineRange() editor.setSelectedRange(sel[0],sel[1]) selText = editor.getSelectedText() regex = new RegExp(escapeRegExp(p.buttonPressed) + "\n(.|[\r\n\t\f\v ])*?\n\n","g") // regex for header and text (allows to locate the end of a block) // I should be able to use \s, but for some reason the slash was being ignored... block = editor.getText().match(regex)[0].replace(/\n+$/, "") if (p.fieldValues["pos"] == "end") { editor.setSelectedRange(editor.getText().indexOf(block)+block.length,0) } else { editor.setSelectedRange(editor.getText().indexOf(selHeader)+selHeader.length,0) } editor.activate() }
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