
Select file and insert link

Posted by @jsamlarose, Last update over 2 years ago


over 2 years ago

Fixed a breaking error. Doh. URLs once again correctly include Files app URL scheme prefix (“shareddocuments://”).

show all updates...

over 2 years ago

Fixed a breaking error. Doh. URLs once again correctly include Files app URL scheme prefix (“shareddocuments://”).

over 2 years ago

Removed an “alert” leftover from testing…

over 2 years ago

Update description!

over 2 years ago


Lists files from a selected folder in a filterable menu. A link to the selected file is pasted in the current draft.


  • Install this first: (won’t work without it)
  • When you run the action, you should be prompted to assign a folder to the bookmark specified in the script (“files”). Adjust the script or the destination for the bookmark for your needs, if you already have a “files” bookmark in your set-up.
  • Script allows you to specify prefix and suffix for the file URL; currently defaults to a URL wiki-link “[[url:name of file]]”, but you can obviously switch this for a markdown link if that better suits your preferences.

See for more information about folder bookmarks in Drafts.


  • includeAction

    MGCheckListPrompt Library
  • script

    // Markdown link
    let prefix = "[fileURL:](shareddocuments:/"
    let suffix = ")"
    // If your syntax definition supports [[url:...]] wiki-links (all of the built-in Markdown syntaxes do...) you can comment out / delete the lines above and uncomment the next two lines below:
    // let prefix = "[[url:shareddocuments:/"
    // let suffix = "]]"
    // Set your bookmark here: 
    let bookmark = Bookmark.findOrCreate("files")
    let fm = FileManager.createForBookmark(bookmark)
    let directory = fm.listContents("/")
    let backlinks = []
        		var n=0
    						title: directory[n],
    						description: "",
    						info: "",
    // Create an MGCheckListPrompt to choose some drafts.
    var prompt = new MGCheckListPrompt()
    prompt.message = "Select a file"
    prompt.allowsTypeToFilter = true
    prompt.singleSelectionMode = true
    prompt.selectsImmediately = true
    // Show the prompt.
    var selectedItems =
    // Report the result.
    if (prompt.didShow) {
    	if (selectedItems != null) {
    		var numItemsChosen = selectedItems.length;
    		let path = prefix + fm.basePath + backlinks[selectedItems[0]].title + suffix
    		editor.setSelectedText(path.replaceAll(" ","%20").replaceAll("|","%7C"))
    	} else {
    		app.displayInfoMessage("Prompt was cancelled.")
    } else {
    	app.displayErrorMessage("Something went wrong.")


  • After Success Default
    Notification Error
    Log Level Error
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