Markdown Link
Posted by RosemaryOrchard,
Last update
over 3 years ago
Insert Markdown link “”. If there is a text selection, use it as the link text, if a URL is in the clipboard (something beginning with ftp/http/https/mailto, and containing no space characters), place it as the link.
/* ### Create Markdown link #### if text in clipboard is NOT a URL: - If no text is selected, insert []() in cursor position, leaving cursor ready to type link text. - If text is selected, insert [selectedText]() leaving cursor in parens to type URL. #### If URL in Clipboard: - If no text is selected, insert [](urlFromClipboard) in cursor position, leaving cursor ready to type link text - If text is selected, insert [selectedText](urlFromClipboard) leaving cursor after close parens. */ // helper to test for URL function isUrl(s) { var regexp = new RegExp('(ftp|http|https|mailto):\/\/\S+', 'i') return regexp.test(s); } var sel = editor.getSelectedText(); let [st, len] = editor.getSelectedRange(); if (!sel || sel.length == 0) { editor.setSelectedText("[]()"); editor.setSelectedRange(st+1,0); } else { editor.setSelectedText("["+sel+"]()"); editor.setSelectedRange(st+len+3, 0); }
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