
→ Obsidian — OlivierPS

Posted by OlivierPS, Last update about 3 years ago

Send the draft into an Obsidian vault.

  • The note’s name is either the heading or the creation date-time, depending on the drafts beginning with a header or not.
  • A YAML header is added with the creation date and time of the draft.
  • The tags are written at the end of the note, under a separator line.
  • The vault name is an editable constant.


  • script

    	Send to Obsidian with Tags
    Built from Ulysses sheet w/ tags.
    Tags are appended to the note, after a seperator line.
    Modify vaultName with the vault you want the note in.
    Improvements by Olivier Spinnler
    * A YAML header is added with the creation date of the *Drafts* note.
    * If the first character of the note is a `#`, it means that the note’s first line is a header. Thus →
    	The header is used as the *Obsidian* note filename
    * … otherwise (i.e. the note doesn’t start with a `#`) → 
    	the note’s creation date in ISO format is used as the filename.
    const vaultName	= "Calepin";
    const baseURL	= "obsidian://new";
    If the draft’s first caracter is a “#”, we’ll use the heading as the filename.
    Otherwise, the filename will be the ISO creation date.
    let fileName = draft.displayTitle; // in case the draft begins with a “#”, we’re done!
    if (draft.content[0] !== "#") {
    	fileName = strftime( draft.createdAt, "%Y-%m-%d@%Hh%M-%S");
    let cb = CallbackURL.create();
    cb.baseURL = baseURL;
    cb.addParameter( "vault", vaultName);
    cb.addParameter( "name", fileName);
    // Adding Tags to the end of the draft, make sure there are no spaces in the Drafts tags
    let tags = draft.tags;
    let ctags = "";
    for (let i = 0; i < tags.length;i++) {
    	let nstag = "#" + tags[ i].replaceAll( ' ', '_');
    	ctags += nstag;
    	ctags += " ";
    	Let’s add YAML metadata with created date
    let YAMLmetadata = "---\nCreated:\t";
    YAMLmetadata += strftime( draft.createdAt, "%d.%m.%Y   %H:%M");
    YAMLmetadata += "\n---\n";
    draft.content = YAMLmetadata + draft.content;
    // Add a separator and then add the tags
    draft.append( "\n------------------------------------");
    draft.append( ctags);
    cb.addParameter("content", draft.content);
    cb.waitForResponse = false;
    var success =;


  • After Success Trash , Tags: sent2obsidian
    Notification Info
    Log Level Info
Items available in the Drafts Directory are uploaded by community members. Use appropriate caution reviewing downloaded items before use.