Prepend Mac External
Posted by sylumer,
Last update
almost 4 years ago
- Unlisted
Prepend the content of the current draft to a file path outside the Drafts sandbox, as specified by the tag PATH in this action.
1) This action will not work on i*OS.
2) The file to be appended to must already exist.
name PATH
template $HOME/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Test/example.txt
// Generate a v4 UUID. function genUUID(a,b) { for(b=a='';a++<36;b+=a*51&52?(a^15?8^Math.random()*(a^20?16:4):4).toString(16):'-'); return b; } // Append to a file outside the drafts sandbox function macPrepend(p_strDestinationPath, p_strContent) { //Set the name of a temporary file let strTempFilePath = genUUID() + ".txt"; // Set up a shell script to copy the file into the Drafts area let strScript = `#!/bin/zsh cp "${p_strDestinationPath}" "$HOME/Library/Mobile Documents/iCloud~com~agiletortoise~Drafts5/Documents/${strTempFilePath}"` let shScript = ShellScript.create(strScript); // Run the script if (shScript.execute([])) { // Initialise the file manager let fmLocal = FileManager.createCloud(); // Read the content of the file let strOriginal = fmLocal.readString("/" + strTempFilePath); // Overwrite the content of the file, prepending the new content fmLocal.writeString("/" + strTempFilePath, p_strContent + "\n" + strOriginal); // Set up a shell script to move the file out of the Drafts area let strScript = `#!/bin/zsh mv "$HOME/Library/Mobile Documents/iCloud~com~agiletortoise~Drafts5/Documents/${strTempFilePath}" "${p_strDestinationPath}" `; let shScript = ShellScript.create(strScript); // Run the script if (shScript.execute([])) { app.displayInfoMessage("File Updated"); return true; } else { app.displayErrorMessage("Error: " + shScript.standardError); console.log(shScript.standardError); return false; } } else { app.displayErrorMessage("Error: " + shScript.standardError); console.log(shScript.standardError); return false; } } // Save draft content to the specified file macPrepend(draft.getTemplateTag("PATH"), draft.content);
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