Get Link to Reminder
Posted by @ttwardz,
Last update
over 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
Changed default link from GoodTask to Reminders.
Run this action to choose a reminder and generate a direct link that opens the specific reminder in the Reminders app.
(Can also be configured to open in GoodTask by changing the first constant prefix
When you run the action:
- You’ll choose a Reminders list from all available lists.
- You’ll choose an incomplete reminder from that list.
- You’ll choose to copy the new link to the clipboard or to replace the current selection with it.
Useful for attaching Reminders tasks to a project and referring back to them while writing in Drafts (or another app).
This can fairly easily be extended to enable creating a new reminder and then adding the link to it.
// ⚠️ If you want the link to open in Reminders: const prefix = "x-apple-reminderkit://REMCDReminder/" // ⚠️ If you want the link to open in GoodTask: //const prefix = "goodtask3://task?identifier=" const listObjects = ReminderList.getAllReminderLists() var lists = [] for (let l of listObjects) { lists.push(l.title) } // Show list prompt var p = Prompt.create() p.title = "Choose a List" p.message = `${lists.length} lists`; p.addSelect("listSelect", "List", lists, [lists[0]], false); p.addButton("Choose"); var didSelect =; var selectedListTitle = p.fieldValues["listSelect"]; var list = "" if (p.buttonPressed == "Choose") { list = ReminderList.find(selectedListTitle) getReminders() } // Get reminders function getReminders() { let incompleteTasks = list.incompleteTasks var reminders = [] var remTitles = [] for (let r of incompleteTasks) { reminders.push({ "title": r.title, "id": r.identifier }) remTitles.push(r.title) } // Show reminder prompt var p = Prompt.create() p.title = "Choose a Reminder" p.message = `${remTitles.length} incomplete reminders`; p.addSelect("remSelect", "Reminder", remTitles, [remTitles[0]], false); p.addButton("Copy Link"); p.addButton("Insert Link"); var didSelect =; var selectedRemTitle = p.fieldValues["remSelect"]; var selectedRemID = "" for (let r of reminders) { if (r.title == selectedRemTitle) { selectedRemID = break } } // GENERATE LINK if (p.buttonPressed == "Copy Link") { copyLink(selectedRemID) app.displaySuccessMessage("Link copied!"); } else if (p.buttonPressed == "Insert Link") { insertLink(selectedRemID) } } // == FUNCTIONS == function copyLink(id) { let link = prefix + id app.setClipboard(link) } function insertLink(id) { let link = prefix + id editor.setSelectedText(link) }
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