
Create post in Oregano

Posted by @aTylerRobertson, Last update about 3 years ago - Unlisted

Publish draft to my Glitch-hosted Oregano blog


  • script

    // This value can be any string, and is used in Settings > Credentials
    const siteID = "My-Blog";
  • script

    // Authorize credentials 
    var credential = Credential.create(siteID, "Paste your site's /write URL, and your secret key from .env");
    credential.addURLField("siteURL", "URL");
    credential.addPasswordField("key", "Secret Key")
    if (credential.authorize()) {
    	const siteURL = credential.getValue("siteURL");
    	const key = credential.getValue("key");
    	var data = {
    		"markdown": draft.content,
    		"key": key
    	// create HTTP and make POST request to Catch Hook
    	var http = HTTP.create();
    	var response = http.request({
    	  "url": siteURL,
    	  "method": "POST",
    	  "data": data,
    	  "headers": {
    	    "Accept": "application/json"
    	// log result
    	console.log("HTTP Status: " + response.statusCode);
    	console.log("HTTP Response: " + response.responseText);
    	if (response.statusCode != 200) {;
    	else {
    		console.log("Draft published!");
    else {


  • After Success Archive , Tags: published
    Notification Info
    Log Level Info
Items available in the Drafts Directory are uploaded by community members. Use appropriate caution reviewing downloaded items before use.