Process tasks
Last update
almost 4 years ago
This action lets you place references to tasks amid your regular notes and automatically extracts them into Things.
const PROCESSED_TASKS_HEADER = '# Processed Tasks & Reminders' const REGEX = /^-* *(t|T|remind):.*/gm const REGEX_CONTENT_ONLY = /^-* *(t|T|remind):/gm const TASKS_REGEX = /^-* *(t|T):.*/gm const hasProcessedHeader = (d) => Boolean(d.content.match(PROCESSED_TASKS_HEADER)) const createProcessedHeader = (d) => { d.content = `${d.content}\n\n${PROCESSED_TASKS_HEADER}` } const parseType = (str) => { switch (true) { case Boolean(str.match(TASKS_REGEX)): return 't' default: return 'unknown' } } const parseContent = str => { const res = (str.split(REGEX_CONTENT_ONLY) || []) .map(x => x.trim()) .filter(Boolean) return res[1] || [] } const matchedLines = draft.content.match(REGEX) || [] const parsedLines = matchedLines.reduce((acc, line) => { const type = parseType(line) const content = parseContent(line) const update = [...(acc[type] || []), content] return { ...acc, [type]: update } }, {}) // Process tasks const tasks = (parsedLines['t'] || []).map(task => { const todo = TJSTodo.create() todo.title = task return todo }) const tjscontainer = TJSContainer.create(tasks) const thingsCB = CallbackURL.create() thingsCB.baseURL = tjscontainer.url const thingsSuccess = if (thingsSuccess) { if (!hasProcessedHeader(draft)) { createProcessedHeader(draft) draft.update() } const filteredContent = draft.content .split('\n') .filter(line => !line.match(TASKS_REGEX)) const newContent = [ ...filteredContent, => `- ${t.title}`), ].join('\n') draft.content = newContent draft.update() } else { } // Process reminders
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