
Insert Day of Week

Posted by kjz, Last update about 3 years ago - Unlisted

Inserts day of the week after a chosen string, “Day:”, in the draft.


  • script

    //Function returns current day of week
    function findDayofWeek() 	{
    	let d = new Date();
    	let day = d.getDay();
    	var dayOfWeek = [" Sunday", " Monday", " Tuesday", " Wednesday", " Thursday", " Friday", " Saturday"];
    	let currentDay = dayOfWeek[day];
    	return currentDay;
    // Function to escape special characters
    function escapeRegExp(stringToGoIntoTheRegex) {
        return stringToGoIntoTheRegex.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&');
    // Function to insert cursor after defined string in draft
    // uses function to escape any special characters possibly in the string
    function cursorInsert(stringToInsertAfter)  {
    	var textToFind = stringToInsertAfter;
    	var stringToGoIntoTheRegex = escapeRegExp(textToFind); //escape the string
    	var textName =  new RegExp(stringToGoIntoTheRegex);  //regex for the string
    	var textLength = textToFind.length;
    	var d = draft.content;
    	var textStart =;  //find start of the string
    	editor.setSelectedRange(textStart+textLength,""); //insert cursor at string end
    var stringToInsertAfter = "Day:" //string to find in the draft, hardcoded
    cursorInsert(stringToInsertAfter); // fnc puts cursor after chosen string
    var dayOfWeek = findDayofWeek();


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