Inspect Draft Properties
Posted by agiletortoise,
Last update
almost 6 years ago
This action creates a new draft with all the property information from the current draft added as a Markdown list before the draft. Useful for inspecting the creation/modification dates/locations, etc. of the current draft.
// Build a tag with all of a the draft's // property information. var s = ""; function add(key, val, link) { if (link) { s += "- **" + key + "**: [" + val + "](" + link + ")\n"; } else { s += "- **" + key + "**: " + val + "\n"; } } function mapLink(lat, long) { return "" + lat + "," + long; } add("Created", draft.createdAt); add("Created Location", draft.createdLatitude + "," + draft.createdLongitude, mapLink(draft.createdLatitude, draft.createdLongitude)); add("Modified", draft.modifiedAt); add("Modified Location", draft.modifiedLatitude + "," + draft.modifiedLongitude, mapLink(draft.modifiedLatitude, draft.modifiedLongitude)); add("Archived", draft.isArchived ? "Yes" : "No"); add("Flagged", draft.isFlagged ? "Yes" : "No"); s += "\n\n"; s += draft.content; draft.setTemplateTag("draftproperties", s);
template drafts5://x-callback-url/create?text=[[draftproperties]]
useSafari false
encodeTags true
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