
Clever Tasks in OmniFocus

Posted by @tylerhall, Last update almost 6 years ago

This action allows you to create multiple tasks in OmniFocus with defer dates, due dates, and tags in one step.

It does this by parsing a compact, easy-to-write syntax that I’ve adopted from other OmniFocus actions and tweaked to my liking, and then converting it into TaskPaper format, which can be “pasted” into OmniFocus in one go. This removes the need to confirm each individual action separately.

Yes, you could also do this by writing your tasks in TaskPaper format directly, but I find its syntax (while innovative!) a bit cumbersome. The format this action uses isn’t as featureful, but it does everything I need and with less typing.


Each line in your draft becomes a new task in OmniFocus, with the exception of “global” tags and dates, which I’ll describe later.

Each task goes on its own line and looks like this:

The task title @defer-date !due-date #tag1 #tag2 --An optional note

The defer date, due date, tags, and note are all optional. If you use them, the only requirement is that they come AFTER the task’s title and the “–note contents” must be LAST.

The defer and due dates support any syntax/format that OmniFocus can parse. This means you can write them as @today, @tomorrow, @3d, @5w, etc. If you want to use a date format that includes characters other than letters, numbers, and a dash (-), you’ll need to enclose it in parenthesis like this: @(May 5, 2019) or !(6/21/2020).

Global Defer/Due Dates:

By default, tasks will only be assigned defer/due dates that are on the same line as the task title. However, if you add a new line that begins with a @ or ! then that defer or due date will be applied to ALL tasks without their own explicitly assigned date.

Global Tags:

Similarly, if you create a new line with a #, then that tag will be added to ALL tasks. If a task already has tags assigned to it, then the global tag will be combined with the other tags.

Full Featured (and contrived) Example:

Write presentation !Friday #work
Research Mother's Day gifts @1w !(5/12/2019) --Flowers are boring
Asparagus #shopping


  • script

    // This action allows you to create multiple tasks in OmniFocus with defer dates,
    // due dates, and tags in one step.
    // It does this by parsing a compact, easy-to-write syntax that I've adopted from
    // other OmniFocus actions and tweaked to my liking, and then converting it into
    // TaskPaper format, which can be "pasted" into OmniFocus in one go. This removes
    // the need to confirm each individual action separately.
    // Yes, you could also do this by writing your tasks in TaskPaper format directly,
    // but I find its syntax (while innovative!) a bit cumbersome. The format this action
    // uses isn't as featureful, but it does everything I need and with less typing.
    // Instructions:
    // Each line in your draft becomes a new task in OmniFocus, with the exception of
    // "global" tags and dates, which I'll describe later.
    // Each task goes on its own line and looks like this:
    // The task title @defer-date !due-date #tag1 #tag2 --An optional note
    // The defer date, due date, tags, and note are all optional. If you use them,
    // the only requirement is that they come AFTER the task's title and the "--note contents"
    // must be LAST.
    // The defer and due dates support any syntax/format that OmniFocus can parse. This means
    // you can write them as @today, @tomorrow, @3d, @5w, etc. If you want to use a date format
    // that includes characters other than letters, numbers, and a dash (-), you'll need to enclose
    // it in parenthesis like this: @(May 5, 2019) or !(6/21/2020).
    // Global Defer/Due Dates:
    // By default, tasks will only be assigned defer/due dates that are on the same line
    // as the task title. However, if you add a new line that begins with a @ or ! then that
    // defer or due date will be applied to ALL tasks without their own explicitly assigned date.
    // Global Tags:
    // Similarly, if you create a new line with a #, then that tag will be added to ALL tasks.
    // If a task already has tags assigned to it, then the global tag will be combined with the
    // other tags.
    // Full Featured (and contrived) Example:
    // Write presentation !Friday #work
    // Research Mother's Day gifts @1w !(5/12/2019) --Flowers are boring
    // Asparagus #shopping
    // #personal
    // @2d
    // Split draft's contents into lines.
    const lines = draft.content.split("\n");
    // Compile our globally applied tags.
    // Tags can be spread across multiple lines starting with #, and each word on a line becomes a tag.
    var globalTags = [];
    for (var line of lines) {
        if (line.startsWith("#")) {
            const tmp = line.split("#")[1];
            const words = tmp.split(" ");
            for (var w of words) {
    // Grab the globally applied defer date if it exists.
    var globalDeferDate = null;
    for (var line of lines) {
        let defer_global_rx = /^@\(([^)]+)\)|^@(\S+)/i;
        let match = line.match(defer_global_rx);
        if (match) {
            if (match[1]) {
                globalDeferDate = match[1];
            if (match[2]) {
                globalDeferDate = match[2];
    // Grab the globally applied due date if it exists.
    var globalDueDate = null;
    for (var line of lines) {
        let due_global_rx = /^!\(([^)]+)\)|^!(\S+)/i;
        let match = line.match(due_global_rx);
        if (match) {
            if (match[1]) {
                globalDueDate = match[1];
            if (match[2]) {
                globalDueDate = match[2];
    var taskPaper = '';
    // Parse our tasks.
    for (var line of lines) {
        if (line.startsWith("#") || line.startsWith("@") || line.startsWith("!")) {
        if (line.length == 0) {
        // Is there a note on the task? If so, grab it, and remove it from the line.
        var note = null;
        let note_rx = /--(.+)$/;
        let noteMatch = line.match(note_rx);
        if (noteMatch) {
            note = noteMatch[1];
        line = line.split(note_rx)[0];
        // Grab the tags.
        var tags = [];
        let tags_rx = /#(\S+)/g;
        while (t = tags_rx.exec(line)) {
        // Merge in the global tags.
        for(var gt of globalTags) {
            if(!tags.includes(gt)) {
        // Grab the defer date.
        var defer = globalDeferDate;
        let defer_rx = /@\(([^)]+)\)|@(\S+)/i;
        var deferMatch = line.match(defer_rx);
        if (deferMatch) {
            if (deferMatch[1]) {
                defer = deferMatch[1];
            if (deferMatch[2]) {
                defer = deferMatch[2];
        // Grab the due date.
        var due = globalDueDate;
        let due_rx = /!\(([^)]+)\)|!(\S+)/i;
        var dueMatch = line.match(due_rx);
        if (dueMatch) {
            if (dueMatch[1]) {
                due = dueMatch[1];
            if (dueMatch[2]) {
                due = dueMatch[2];
        // Remove the tags, defer and due dates from the line.
        line = line.split(tags_rx)[0];
        line = line.split(defer_rx)[0];
        line = line.split(due_rx)[0];
        // Build the TaskPaper version of our task.
        taskPaper = taskPaper + "- " + line + " ";
        if (tags.length > 0) {
            let tagStr = tags.join(",");
            taskPaper = taskPaper + "@tags(" + tagStr + ") ";
        if (defer) {
            taskPaper = taskPaper + "@defer(" + defer + ") ";
        if (due) {
            taskPaper = taskPaper + "@due(" + due + ") ";
        if (note) {
            taskPaper = taskPaper + "\n\t" + note;
        taskPaper = taskPaper + "\n";
    // Create our OmniFocus callback object.
    var cb = CallbackURL.create()
    cb.baseURL = "omnifocus://x-callback-url/paste";
    cb.addParameter("content", taskPaper);
    var success =;
    if (!success) {;


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