Ulysses sheet w/ tags
Posted by RoyRogers,
Last update
almost 6 years ago
Opens Ulysses with current draft as new sheet, and adds tags as keywords to this sheet.
Draft is archived with new tag=“sent2ulysses”
Make sure the group “FromDrafts” exists in Ulysses before running this action!
// Opens Ulysses with current draft as new sheet, and adds tags as keywords to this sheet. // Make sure the group “FromDrafts” exists in Ulysses before running this script! const baseURL = "ulysses://x-callback-url/new-sheet?group=FromDrafts"; let cb = CallbackURL.create(); cb.baseURL = baseURL; cb.addParameter("text", draft.content); cb.waitForResponse = true; var success =; if (success) { // console.log("Event created"); var sheet = JSON.parse(cb.callbackResponse.sheet); var id = sheet.identifier; let tags = draft.tags; tags.push("FromDrafts"); const ctags = encodeURI(tags.join(',')); console.log(ctags) var url = `ulysses://x-callback-url/attach-keywords?id=${id}&keywords=${ctags}`; var result = app.openURL(url); // The following is replaced with the openURL // statement above, to avoid returning to Drafts: /* draft.setTemplateTag("sheet_id", id); draft.setTemplateTag("my_tags", tags); const baseURL2 = "ulysses://x-callback-url/attach-keywords?" cb.baseURL = baseURL2; cb.addParameter("id", id); cb.addParameter("keywords", tags); console.log(id); cb.waitForResponse = false; var success =; */ }
After Success Archive , Tags: sent2ulysses Notification Info Log Level Info
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