
Markdown Table

Posted by agiletortoise, Last update about 6 years ago

Insert empty MultiMarkdown table markup. The action will prompt for the number of rows and columns, and create and insert MultiMarkdown table syntax for the table with header of the requested size, like:

|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |


  • script

    // configurable default variables
    let defaultCols = 3;
    let defaultRows = 2;
    let cell = "|  ";
    let div = "|:--";
    let f = () => {
    	// create prompt and ask for cols/rows
    	let p = Prompt.create();
    	p.title = "Insert Table";
    	p.message = "Insert empty MultiMarkdown table."
    	p.addTextField("cols", "Columns", defaultCols, {
    		"autocorrect": false,
    		"keyboard": "numberPad"
    	p.addTextField("rows", "Rows", defaultRows, {
    		"autocorrect": false,
    		"keyboard": "numberPad"
    	// exit if user cancels
    	if (! { return false; }
    	// create table
    	let cols = parseInt(p.fieldValues["cols"]);
    	let rows = parseInt(p.fieldValues["rows"]);
    	if (!cols || !rows) { return false; }
    	let row = cell.repeat(cols) + "|\n";
    	let divider = div.repeat(cols) + "|\n";
    	let tbl = "\n\n" + row + divider + row.repeat(rows) + "\n";
    	// insert table
    	let [st, len] = editor.getSelectedLineRange();
    	editor.setTextInRange(st+len, 0, tbl);
    	return true;
    if (!f()) { context.cancel(); }


  • After Success Default
    Notification Error
    Log Level None
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