
Lesson Plan Proforma Draft (Example)

Last update about 5 years ago - Unlisted


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    # Lesson Date
    18 January 2019
    # Stage Focus
    # Curriculum Area
    # Whole Class/Group
    Whole Class
    # Learning Intentions
    Improve multiplicaton
    # Shared Success Criteria
    Everyone understands even multipliers always produce even numbers
    # Teaching Strategy(ies)
    Use questions to guide class to noticing the pattern.
    # Assessment Method(s)
    # Main Opportunities for Developing Cross-Curricular Links
    1. Link into work on Egypt.  Specifically architecture.
    1. Potential to link into science lesson next week.
    # Differentiation
    # Resources
    - Times Tables Rockstars (Online)
    - Standard workbooks.
    - Classroom wall charts.
    # Opening
    Mental arithmetic
    # Opening: Teacher Role
    Provide questions
    # Opening: Timing
    5 minutes
    # Development
    Exercises, group and individual  
    Group work on computer  
    Individual work on counters
    # Development: Teacher Role
    Set tasks.  
    Provide support.
    # Development: Timing
    30 minutes
    # Close
    Group review
    # Close: Teacher Role
    Provide questions and guide discussion.
    # Close: Timing
    10 minutes
    # Which children did well – what and why?
    John Smith. He spotted the pattern without being prompted. 
    # Which children did not do well – what and why?
    Fred Jones. He was disruptive to the other children in his group.
    # What incidental learning, if any, occurred?
    Some discussion about multiplication of two odd numbers and whether the result was odd, even or potentially either.
    # What might be the next steps for children’s learning?
    Look at same topic, but from a division perspective.


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