
Convert Apple Notes checkboxes

Posted by agiletortoise, Last update about 6 years ago

When Apple Notes shares a note with checkboxes using the share sheet, it exports them as “◦” bullet points with tab characters. This script converts those bullet points in the current draft to Drafts style [ ] task marks in Markdown list format.

Note that if you copy and paste from Notes to Drafts, this is handled automatically because Notes places the text in the clipboard in that format. This conversion is only needed if the text came from Notes via the share sheet.


  • script

    // checkboxes from Notes app get imported as "◦" characters with tabs.
    // this script converts those imported values to Drafts tasks 
    // in Markdown list format.
    let re = /^(\t+)◦\t/gm;
    draft.content = draft.content.replace(re, "$1- [ ] ");


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