Micropub Publish
Posted by Jonathan LaCour <>,
Last update
over 6 years ago
Publish a draft as an “h-entry” post to a Micropub compatible endpoint. You will be asked for an IndieAuth token and a Micropub endpoint on first run. Categories can be specified as a comma separated list. Also supports toggling private visibility and supplying a “in-reply-to” permalink.
/** * Post to a Micropub endpoint. * * - On first run, you will be prompted for an IndieAuth token and a Micropub * endpoint. These will be saved for future runs. * - Options supported include togging "private" visibility, a comma separated * list of categories, and an in-reply-to URL. * - The first line of your Draft should be a top-level headline, which will * be used as the title ("name" property) for the post. * */ // Get IndieAuth Token and Micropub Endpoint on first run var credential = Credential.create( "Micropub", "Insert IndieAuth token and Micropub endpoint." ) credential.addTextField("token", "IndieAuth Token") credential.addTextField("endpoint", "Micropub Endpoint") credential.authorize() var token = credential.getValue("token") var endpoint = credential.getValue("endpoint") // Prompt for options var p = Prompt.create() p.title = "Publish Options" p.message = "Select from the options below." p.addTextField("in-reply-to", "Reply To URL", "") p.addTextField("categories", "Categories", "") p.addSwitch("private", "Private Post", false) p.addButton("Publish") var didSelect = var categories = p.fieldValues["categories"] var is_private = p.fieldValues["private"] var in_reply_to = p.fieldValues["in-reply-to"] // Did the user decide to publish? if (p.buttonPressed != "Publish") { context.cancel() } // Pull the post title off the content var content = draft.content var array_of_content = draft.content.split("\n") var post_title = "" if (array_of_content[0].charAt(0) == "#") { post_title += array_of_content[0].slice(2) } // Collect the rest of the content var real_content = "" for (i = 1; i < array_of_content.length; i++) { real_content += array_of_content[i] + "\n" } // Convert the content to HTML var mmd = MultiMarkdown.create() var rendered = mmd.render(real_content) // Create MF2 properties var props = {} props["name"] = [post_title] props["content"] = [{"html": rendered}] if (is_private) { props["visibility"] = ["private"] } if (categories) { props["category"] = [] categories.split(',').forEach(function(category) { props["category"].push(category.trim()) }) } if (in_reply_to) { props["in-reply-to"] = [in_reply_to] } // Create and post HTTP request var http = HTTP.create(); var response = http.request({ "url": endpoint, "method": "POST", "encoding": "json", "data": { "type": ["h-entry"], "properties": props }, "headers": { "Authorization": "Bearer " + token } }) // Log response and report any failures console.log("Response: " + response.statusCode) if (response.statusCode != 200 && response.statusCode != 201 && response.statusCode != 202) { }
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