RSS List to OMPL
Posted by @sylumer,
Last update
over 6 years ago
- Unlisted
//Set some OPML and RSS Feed entry warpper constants const OPML_PREFIX = `<opml version="2.0"> <body> <outline text="Subscriptions" title="Subscriptions"> `; const OPML_SUFFIX = ` </outline> </body> </opml>`; const RSS_PREFIX = ` <outline xmlUrl="`; const RSS_SUFFIX = `" /> `; //Initialise the OPML let strOPML = OPML_PREFIX; //For each line, if it has content add it as an RSS feed entry to the OPML let arrFeeds = draft.content.split("\n"); arrFeeds.forEach(function(rssFeed) { if (rssFeed.length > 0) { strOPML += RSS_PREFIX + rssFeed + RSS_SUFFIX; } }); //Complete the OPML strOPML += OPML_SUFFIX; //Create a new draft containing th OPML let draftOPML = Draft.create(); draftOPML.content = strOPML; draftOPML.update(); //Load the new draft editor.load(draftOPML); editor.activate();
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