Email Assistant
Posted by @nahumck,
Last update
over 6 years ago
- Unlisted
Dictate an email to your assistant using your digital assistant. When dictating, speak the first line as the subject, say “new paragraph”, and then speak the body. Tap create to generate the email and send. Option after sending to save it as a draft.
/* --- Email Assistant --- */ // Capture email via dictation let text = editor.dictate(); let t = Draft.create(); t.content = text; let title = t.processTemplate("[[title]]"); let body = t.processTemplate("[[body]]"); // Contact information let name = "assistant's name here"; let email = ""; // Set Template Tags for email step draft.setTemplateTag("email",email); draft.setTemplateTag("name",name); draft.setTemplateTag("dictated_title", title); draft.setTemplateTag("dictated_body",body);
toRecipients [[email]]
ccRecipients bccRecipients subjectTemplate [[dictated_title]]
bodyTemplate Dear [[name]],
Tim Nahumck
tim@nahumck.mesendAsHTML true
sendInBackground false
/* --- Prompt to Save --- */ var p = Prompt.create(); p.title = "Save email text?" p.addButton("Yes"); p.addButton("No");; var sel = p.buttonPressed; if (sel == "Yes") { var d = Draft.create(); d.content = "Email to "+assistant+"\n\n"+text d.update(); }
After Success Default Notification Info Log Level Error
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