Make new empty iCloud file
Posted by @davenicholls,
Last update
over 6 years ago
Used to create an empty file in the Drafts iCloud folder tree that can then be edited in place with an external editor (e.g. Textastic or Kodex on iOS, or any Mac text editor)
Can be used to with any file type, but is intended mainly for the creation of external JavaScript files.
When run prompts for the filename and then creates an empty file in the ‘/Scripts’ folder in the Drafts iCloud folder tree.
If the filename is of the form:
It will be saved in the ‘newfolder’ subfolder not in the main Scripts folder.
promptKey prompt
promptTitle Create blank script file
promptMessage Enter script name. A blank file will be created in iCloud Drafts/Scripts
promptButtons OK
includeTextField true
textFieldDefault includeCancelButton true
fileNameTemplate [[prompt_text]]
folderTemplate /Scripts
template local false
writeType create
After Success Default Notification Info Log Level Info
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