Search with one of services listed in a draft
Posted by @ComplexPoint,
Last update
over 6 years ago
Search on-line for :
- the selected phrase, or
- the text of the line containing the cursor.
- a menu of online search services, and
- a text field for adjusting or replacing the search term.
The menu items are defined by any Markdown-formatted links in a draft whose UUID
should be specified at the top of the script step.
The idea is to facilitate edits and additions to the list of services, by taking it:
- out of the script step code,
- and into a draft.
It would also be possible, by:
- duplicating the action, and
- making a copy with a different UUID at the top of the script step
to use more than one such action, each using a different list of services, contained in a different draft.
( Note: the UUID of a draft can be obtained though the information icon at top left > Copy Link to Draft )
Sample of a possible draft contents for use with this action, adapted from the Search Field Mega Action
by @jmreeks:
[App Store](itms-apps://
[Google Images](
[Google Translate](
[Rotten Tomatoes](
[Wolfram Alpha](
(() => { 'use strict'; /* UUID of a draft containing MD links with named search expressions up to the '=' sign. e.g. [DuckDuckGo]( */ // SERVICES EITHER FROM MARKDOWN LINKS IN A DRAFT, // (specified by its uuid) const uuidLinksDraft = '9A15F571-0871-4DF7-A1F3-2E5464F197A3'; // OR IF DRAFT NOT FOUND BY THAT UUID, THEN FROM THESE DEFAULTS: const fallbackDefaults = ` [Amazon]( [App Store](itms-apps:// [DuckDuckGo]( [Google]( [Google Images]( [Google Translate]( [IMDB]( [iTunes](itms:/search?term=) [Rotten Tomatoes]( [Twitter]( [Wikipedia]( [Wolfram Alpha]( [YouTube](`; const main = () => { const d = Draft.find(uuidLinksDraft), lrResult = bindLR( bindLR( // LIST OF SERVICES EITHER FROM DRAFT // WITH GIVEN UUID OR FROM DEFAULTS ABOVE Right( d !== undefined ? [ 'List found in draft:\n' + uuidLinksDraft, d.content ] : [ 'No draft found by uuid:\n' + uuidLinksDraft + '\n(using default service list)', fallbackDefaults ] ), ([sourceName, strLinks]) => Right([ sourceName, new Map( regexMatches( /\[(.*)\]\((.*)\)/g, strLinks ) .map(x => [x[1], x[2]]) ) ]) ), ([sourceName, serviceMap]) => { const e = editor; return bindLR( textAndMenuChoiceLR( true, 'Search with chosen service', sourceName, 'Term:', // SELECTION OR CURRENT LINE e.getSelectedText().trim() || e.getTextInRange( ...e.getSelectedLineRange() ), [...serviceMap.keys()] ), dct => { const maybeURL = serviceMap .get(dct.choice); return maybeURL !== undefined ? ( Right( app.openURL( maybeURL + encodeURIComponent( dct.text ) ) ) ) : Left( 'Service not found: ' + dct.choice ); } ); } ); const strLeft = lrResult.Left; return strLeft && strLeft.includes('uuid') ? ( alert(strLeft) ) : console.log(lrResult.Left || lrResult.Right) }; // A CONFIRMED TEXT, AND AN ITEM CHOSEN FROM A MENU // textAndMenuChoiceLR :: Bool -> String -> String -> // String -> String -> [String] -> // Either String { text: String, choice :: String } const textAndMenuChoiceLR = ( withCancelButton, title, msg, strLabel, strText, items) => { const p = items.reduce( (a, item) => (a.addButton(item), a), Object.assign( Prompt.create(), { title: title, message: msg, isCancellable: withCancelButton } ) ); return ( p.addTextField('txt', strLabel, strText), items.length > 0 ? ( ? Right({ text: p.fieldValues.txt, choice: p.buttonPressed }) : Left('Cancel') ) : Left('Empty menu') ); }; // GENERIC FUNCTIONS --- // Left :: a -> Either a b const Left = x => ({ type: 'Either', Left: x }); // Right :: b -> Either a b const Right = x => ({ type: 'Either', Right: x }); // bindLR (>>=) :: Either a -> (a -> Either b) -> Either b const bindLR = (m, mf) => m.Right !== undefined ? ( mf(m.Right) ) : m; // regexMatches :: String -> String -> [[String]] const regexMatches = (strRgx, strHay) => { const rgx = new RegExp(strRgx, 'g'); let m = rgx.exec(strHay), xs = []; while (m)(xs.push(m), m = rgx.exec(strHay)); return xs; }; // MAIN --- return main(); })();
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