Gas Mileage
Posted by @nahumck,
Last update
over 6 years ago
Gather some information about gas mileage in a prompt step and create a draft with that information.
//Gas Mileage Example // Prompt for trip information var p = Prompt.create(); p.title = "Enter Gas"; p.message = "Enter the gallon info" p.addTextField("gallons", "Gallons", "",{"keyboard":"numberPad"}); p.addTextField("trip", "Trip A", "",{"keyboard":"numberPad"}); p.addTextField("mpg", "MPG", "",{"keyboard":"numberPad"}); p.addButton("Go"); var con =; if (con) { // Get values from prompt step var gallons = "Gallons: " + p.fieldValues["gallons"]; var trip = "Trip A: " + p.fieldValues["trip"]; var mpg = "MPG: " + p.fieldValues["mpg"]; // Create Draft var d = Draft.create(); d.content = "# Trip Info" + "\n" + gallons + "\n" + trip + "\n" + mpg; d.update(); editor.load(d); } else { context.cancel(); }
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