
Add to List

Posted by splunsford, Last update about 6 years ago

Prompts the user to select from drafts tagged “lists” and appends the contents of the current draft to that list, adding bullets/numbers/checkboxes to each line and matching the list type of the selected draft. Also allows creating and naming a new list of any type. Default bullet style and “lists” tag can be customized.


  • script

    // Add to List
    // User values (editable)
    const defaultBullet = "-"         // Alternatives: * or +
    const defaultChecklist = "- [ ]"  // Alternatives: "* [ ]" or "+ [ ]"
    const listTag = "lists"           // Alternatives: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (whatever you want it to be)
    var selectDraft = function() {
    	var drafts = Draft.query("", "inbox", [listTag]).reverse()  // Get all list drafts newest to oldest
    	var titles = { return d.title })     // Get titles of all drafts
    	var p = Prompt.create()
    	p.title = "Select List"
    	for (t of titles) {
    	const newListButton = "+ New List…"
    	var didSelect =
    	if (didSelect) {
    		if (p.buttonPressed == newListButton) {
    			return newList()
    		else {
    			return drafts[titles.indexOf(p.buttonPressed)]  // Return selected draft
    	else {
    		return false
    var newList = function() {
    	// Prompt for title
    	var p = Prompt.create()
    	p.title = "New List"
    	p.addTextField("title", "", "", { "placeholder": "Title", "autocapitalization": "sentences" })
    	var didCreate =
    	if (didCreate) {
    		// Create draft with given title
    		var d = Draft.create()
    		d.content = "# " + p.fieldValues["title"] + "\n"
    		return d
    	else {
    		return false
    var selectListType = function() {	
    	// Prompt for list style
    	p = Prompt.create()
    	p.title = "Select List Type"
    	p.addButton(defaultBullet + " Bulleted")
    	p.addButton("1. Numbered")
    	p.addButton(defaultChecklist + " Checklist")
    	var didSelect =
    	if (didSelect) {
    		var b = p.buttonPressed.match(/^.+(?= [a-z]+$)/i)[0]  // Extract bullet from selection
    		if (b == "1.") { b = "0." }                           // Set up for addBullet() function
    		return b
    	else {
    		return false
    var addBullet = function(text, index) {
    	var indent = text.match(/^[\t ]*/)    // Get leading whitespace
    	var n = parseFloat(bullet)            // Get numeral if numbered list
    	if (n || bullet == "0.") {            // Include condition where new numbered list created
    		n += index + 1                     // Iterate numeral by one
    		return indent + n + ". " + text.trim()
    	else {
    		return indent + bullet.replace("[x]","[ ]") + " " + text.trim()  // Replace checked box with empty box
    const bulletRegex = /^([\t ]*)([-*+]( \[( |x)\])?|\d+\.)/gm
    var bullet = ""
    var d = selectDraft()
    if (d) {
    	var matches = d.content.match(bulletRegex)
    	if (matches) {  // No bullets found
    		bullet = matches.reverse()[0].trim()
    	else {
    		bullet = selectListType()
    	if (bullet) {
    		var text = draft.content.trim()         // Remove white space on either end
    		text = text.replace(bulletRegex,"$1")   // Strip existing bullets but leave indentation
    		var lines = text.split("\n")
    		lines =
    		d.content += "\n" + lines.join("\n")    // Join and append to draft
    		editor.load(d)  // Open list
    	else {
    else {


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