Case toggle
Posted by @ComplexPoint,
Last update
over 6 years ago
Toggle (cycle) the case of selected text:
Mixed case -> Upper -> Lower -> Initial Caps
(() => { 'use strict'; // main :: () -> IO String const main = () => { const e = editor, strReCased = ( expandSelnByWord(), caseToggled( e.getSelectedText() ) ); return strReCased.length > 0 ? ( e.setSelectedText( strReCased ), strReCased ) : ''; }; // caseToggled :: String -> String const caseToggled = s => { const cs = chars(s); return !any(isUpper, cs) ? ( toInitialCaps(s) ) : !any(isLower, cs) ? ( toLower(s) ) : toUpper(s); }; // GENERIC FUNCTIONS ------------------------------------ // Tuple (,) :: a -> b -> (a, b) const Tuple = (a, b) => ({ type: 'Tuple', '0': a, '1': b, length: 2 }); // any :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool const any = (p, xs) => xs.some(p); // chars :: String -> [Char] const chars = s => s.split(''); // concatMap :: (a -> [b]) -> [a] -> [b] const concatMap = (f, xs) => [].concat.apply([],; // isLower :: Char -> Bool const isLower = c => /[a-z]/.test(c); // isUpper :: Char -> Bool const isUpper = c => /[A-Z]/.test(c); // regexMatches :: String -> String -> [[String]] const regexMatches = (strRgx, strHay) => { const rgx = new RegExp(strRgx, 'g'); let m = rgx.exec(strHay), xs = []; while (m)(xs.push(m), m = rgx.exec(strHay)); return xs; }; // splitAt :: Int -> [a] -> ([a],[a]) const splitAt = (n, xs) => Tuple(xs.slice(0, n), xs.slice(n)); // toLower :: String -> String const toLower = s => s.toLowerCase(); // toInitialCaps :: String -> String const toInitialCaps = s => { const rgx = /([A-Za-z\u00C0-\u00FF])([A-Za-z\u00C0-\u00FF]*)(\b[^[A-Za-z\u00C0-\u00FF]]*|$)/g; return regexMatches(rgx, s) .map(ms => ms[1].toUpperCase() + ms[2].toLowerCase() + ms[3]) .join('') }; // toUpper :: String -> String const toUpper = s => s.toUpperCase(); // SELECTING WORD // expandSelnByWord :: () -> IO () const expandSelnByWord = (blnMultiWord, blnLeft) => { const e = editor, tplSeln = e.getSelectedRange(), tplLine = e.getSelectedLineRange(), strLine = e.getTextInRange(...tplLine), intPosn = tplSeln[0], xy = splitAt( intPosn - tplLine[0], strLine ), [dl, dr] = concatMap( x => x !== null ? ( [x[0].length] ) : [0], // [/\b[\S]*$/.exec(xy[0]), /^[\S]*\b/.exec(xy[1])] ); return (tplSeln[1] === 0 || dl > 0 && dr > 0) ? ( e.setSelectedRange(intPosn - dl, dl + dr), 'extended' ) : blnMultiWord ? [ // additionalWord( // blnLeft, tplSeln, tplLine, strLine // ) ] : 'No further'; }; // MAIN --- return main(); })();
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